Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring has....ACHOO....made me sick.

Hi Steve,

I hope you've enjoyed your weekend. Can you believe that the Pittsburgh Pirates actually WON a game today?!  And I missed it.  I've been just wiped out, sleeping on and off all day, laying in bed reading magazines, sneezing my fool head off and feeling like crap.  Happy spring allergies.  Woooo.

My head feels like an inflated balloon, with pressure behind my eyes, my nose is running and I'm sneezing a lot, and I feel completely devoid of energy.  Couldn't do much of anything at all.  I have been taking extra Vitamin C tablets and drinking juice, but I really don't want to take Clariton or any other medications if I can help it.  I just don't like taking stuff unless I really have no other choice.

So, Pete is finishing his class today with Midori and will be home later tonight, after midnight.  He said he's learned a lot, and has really enjoyed it.  I have no idea about anything else.  I don't even want to ask.  It's just moot at this point, really, because there's nothing I can do about it.

I had a dream this afternoon, that you and I were slow dancing, and I was singing to YOU (my apologies), the song "One More Time."  We were out in the open air, with mountains all around, gorgeous scenery, sun shining, and we were just happy in that moment. There was no other context or plot.  I have no idea how we got there, why we were there, or how we met and decided to dance.  Just suddenly there you were, and me in my billowy white skirt, floating in the light breeze as we danced.

It was nice.

Anyway, I need to go lay down.  Just wanted to write and say I hope your weekend was a good one.

My best friend, by the way, had a total blast while visiting me, and does NOT hate me for having a big house.  I thought I should update you on that.  My worry was for worries usually are.  In fact, she is planning her next trip in September already!  I guess best friends CAN still be cool after 30 years of friendship.

Well, bye for now.

Love, Rebecca    ps. Neal hasn't been airing his soap opera lately on Facebook.  My work here is done.

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