Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

You, dear Stephen, are such a TEASE....

....and WHY do I say such a thing?  THIS IS WHY, ya poop.....

Because you are actually inside a RECORDING STUDIO!!

You made my heart skip a beat, dammit.  I oughta smack ya for that. 
Remind me to bite your face off next time we meet in person, okay?

Dammit man, don't DO that to fragile highly sensitive people like me. There oughta be a law!! Sheesh. is actually quite nice to see a very recent photo of you on Facebook. You look sexy as always. Maybe a little bit-o-the-pudge happenin', huh?? Eatin' good in the neighborhood??  WINK! Ya know what, I think it's awesome.  Eat what you want to eat, and fuck all the diets out there.  LIVE and be HAPPY LIVING.

Speaking of living happy....where the hell can I get some of that??

Yeah, been sitting on my carcass watching MSNBC all damned day---something I never do----(I avoid the news as much as possible)...because of all the drama going on in Boston.  However, I do wish to comment on the delivery of the news on MSNBC (and probably every other news organization):

---Commentators should actually be able to PRONOUNCE THE SUSPECT'S NAME properly. They continue to mangle and massacre the names of these guys, repeatedly, and it's getting on my nerves.

---Reporters should stop asking different people the same questions over and over. Nobody is a mind reader, nobody knows what this 19 year old terrorist is feeling, doing, etc., and nobody knows yet what the future is going to bring for anyone involved.  So stop asking those innane questions. Thanks.

---Seems to me that there is actually a lot of OTHER news happening all over the place, not just in Boston.  How about taking a few moments here and there to update us on OTHER things going on?? That would be nice. Thanks so much.

My doors are locked.  My windows are shut and locked.  I'm sitting here in a state of ILK, and ANGST, biting my damned fingernails off.  I hate it.  I hate that some asshole stupid goddamned 19 year old terrorist FUCK has caused so many people so many problems and so much fear and hate!  I mean, the entire CITY of Boston has shut down completely, just to find this one shithead bad guy, but yet FDR did NOTHING to prevent Hitler from annihilating the Jews until Pearl Harbor was attacked.  

Now, wait a minute before you blow a gasket....I'm not minimizing the damage these two brothers have caused by any means, don't misundertand me. But, come on, is this going to be the status quo next time we have an attack?  Is this the new precedent we all have to live with every time a bad guy sets off a bomb somewhere?   If so, all I can do is shake my head and cry for the entire country and our world.

I don't know about you, Stephen, but I need a drink.  Or six.  Okay, make it a dozen. 

Soooooo, in other pursuits of happiness, I am trying hard to focus on making a game for camp.  In a little over 30 days, I will be far, far away from televisions, computers, and newspapers, walking around and swimming naked all day in the sunshine, enjoying gourmet food, sleeping in every day, and doing all the naughty fun things I feel like doing at camp. AHHHHHHH.  If I didn't have that to look forward to right now, I think I'd be batshit crazy by now with all this doom and gloom and fear and hate.

So yeah, I'm making a game.  I actually made it in 2003 I think, while I was in graduate school (thought I might earn a teaching degree until I realized that teaching sucks ass. Then I quit).  I was in a Woman's Literature class, with a lesbian teacher (who was awesome).  We discussed women's roles in literature throughout history and how those roles have expanded or changed up until now.  Very interesting.  Of course, you would probably yawn, but I love that shit.  I was an English major after all, don'tchaknow.

At the end of the semester, we were all to create a project that represented the entire semester of reading we did, and include at least one poem or short story that we loved the most, and make it come to life. She made the mistake of saying, "Anything goes. You cannot shock me."  DING DING DING!!! I took that as a CHALLENGE!!! MMMUUUUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

And so I embarked upon making this game.  On 3 pieces of foamcore board taped together, I drew a woman's legs spread out wide, with her VAJAYJAY in the middle, (complete with glued on doll hair all around it...details are important).  Above it, I entitled it "Women's Roles in Literature," and glued a ball and chain in one corner, drew a photo of a woman in a wedding dress looking into a mirror only to see herself wearing leather and holding a whip....(ha!)....and I had a photo of a baby, and some other women-y stuff all around, with a couple excerpts of poems that I liked.  Don't remember which ones they were now.

Soooo, every row in the class was a team.  Each member of the team came up to my game, inserted their fist into the gaping hole of the VAJAYJAY, and pulled out an item!  Yes, there was a BOX behind the box!! hehehe  It held lots of fun things, women-y-ish things, like lipstick, nail polish, a mother/baby figurine, a small wedding cake topper with bride and groom, and other chatchke's like that...PLUS a bright red ceramic CRAB. 

The object of the game was to have each team member pull out an item and write that item on the board, under their team list.  Whichever team got all of the items listed first WITHOUT getting the crab, WON!   Now, while this game was being played, I also had some music going...."Bitch" by Meredith Brooks.  Remember that song?!  I loved it. Still do.  It was perfect for the project too.

What can I say? I'm a creative little slut sometimes. WINK!!

And so, after the game ended, I got an A+, my best friend Laurie had to come and witness it because she couldn't BELIEVE I would do something so audacious, and the teacher was laughing her head off the whole time.  She loved it.  In fact, she wanted me to enter it in the end of the school year competition for best project.  I declined that offer, but told her, "you should have never said you couldn't be shocked by anything." She agreed and said she would never say those words again.

.....THAT is the game I am creating again, only this time, for CAMP.  It's called, "Pirate Cunt Treasure Hunt." hehehehehe  Catchy, huh?  You love it, and you know it.  GRIN!!  You just love me to death.

Anyway, I'll take a photo of it once it's all done. I found some pirate (skull) keychains at the dollar store, some mini squirters (HAHAHA, yes, I went there), and some other fun little party favor things, along with some skull rings, and TWO bright red CRABS!!   Only this time I'm tweaking the game a bit, it'll be kinda like the duck game at an amusement park.  You pick up a duck, and you win whatever the toy is that it says on the bottom of it.  My toys will have auction dollar amounts for each one, depending on what the item is.  The crab, of course, gets ZERO dollars.  Auction dollars are fake money that everyone at camp has to obtain somehow (and there is a casino night, where I hope to have this game installed), so that when the auction happens, people can bid on stuff later on.

Ahhhhh, yes, my life is weird.  But dammit I have fun.  And right about now, my friend, I NEED some fun.  Desperately.  Having my best friend here for a week was awesome, and we had a blast.  I feel depressed now that she's not here, though, and with all the bullshit going on in the news, I'm feeling very down and depressed even more.  So doing stupid shit like creating a twat game kinda gets my mind off it for awhile, ya know?  "Strange Medicine" indeed.

Well I'm off to finish my game and create some mini hats. (I love bringing them to the tea party to give them out to people who don't have one to wear).  I am creative a hell, bored to death, and trying not to give in to my real urge to go back to bed all day long.

Get your sexy pudge-butt back into that studio, young man, and give us all some SONGS of HOPE, will ya?? WE NEED YOU!!!  (well, even if THEY don't need you, I definitely do).

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca    ps. I'm ignoring Neal Schon on Facebook until he gets a clue.

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