Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cheering you up a little, I hope....

Hi are you doing?  I hope you had a peaceful, relaxing weekend without sadness.  I know that it feels like yesterday---but it has been six months since Kellie passed....I hope you've been able to work through some of the grief you're feeling by doing positive things for yourself.  She's still with you, ya know.  I absolutely believe that, even if you don't.

Hey, I am sure you must realize that your message has set off a huge fan-da-moneum on Facebook.  We have all been very concerned and worried about you ever since reading it.  So, I am sending you a smiley-faced ME this time around, wearing a mini-hat that I made, with your face on it.  I thought maybe that would cheer you up a little.  I hope it made you smile.  (and yes, I'm wearing a tie-dyed blouse...kinda wild but RETRO COOL don'tchaknow.

Remember my post from a few days ago? These are the 3 hats to which I was referring:

I have made 3 so for myself, one for Kathy and one for Kim----the two ladies in VA Beach that I met while on vacation last summer.  They LOVED them.  We all agreed that we would wear them in your honor if you ever decide to sing again in concert.  Since you look absolutely awesome in black, AND sexy as hell in red, I figured those are the "bling" colors that I should add to the hats.  I stuck these photo holder picks in them but decided "nah," because everybody knows your face---no need for a name card.  I removed those AFTER taking the picture.  As you can see, I used 3 different images of you at various stages in your career.  So, that is what I was talking about, the legalities of using your image and all that.  One of my friends from the Museum said "he should pay you!" hehehe

The 3 of us gaggly girl fans on the east coast also spoke to each other on the phone this weekend about your message, and we all brainstormed about DOING something to comfort you in some way.  So, we each decided to buy you a sympathy card, write a nice message, and mail it to Lora at Fan Asylum.  We are hoping that she will to give them to you.  (I know she probably hates it when people do that, but when we met her in SF on our honeymoon, she said I haven't done it very often so it's ok).

Anyway, I just wanted to send you a smiling photo, because we've all been thinking about you a lot, and feel concerned about you.  You are truly loved my friend. We want you to feel comforted, hugged, and loved...and to know that you stepped up to risk everything emotionally within yourself, all for Kellie when she was battling such a difficult disease...THAT is so amazingly beyond beautiful.  You are a good man, Stephen.  You might have been a royal stinker in your younger years, sure, aren't we all....but, for you to set aside your own fears, and step up to MAN UP and help her get through the worst time in her life, and making her so HAPPY---while surprising yourself by falling in love and making yourself happy too-----is just the most awesome thing that every human being hopes to find.

You are blessed. You are lucky.  You are amazing.  And you are loved.

The one thing you are NOT, is alone.  I know you might feel like you are, but you need to just open your eyes a little more and look around you, because you really truly are surrounded by good people who adore you and want the best for you, and who support and love you more than anything.

I just hope that Neal and Jon and the boys have tried to extend some kind of message of condolence.  I mean, I know men don't hang out in Hallmark stores to find greeting cards that say mushy stuff, but at least MAN UP and send a press release statement of some kind---any sort of public acknowledgment, or better yet, just a simple private phone call, send flowers, or SOMETHING.

If they HAVEN'T BOTHERED to step up---to MAN UP---to do that simple thing for you, knowing that would mean so much to you during your sad time of loss, then I sincerely hope that karma will pay them all a nice visit very soon.

Bye for now.

Love you.....


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