Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

An idea regarding Kellie....

Hi Steve,

After thinking a lot about what you wrote, I realized with even more sadness that December 14th 2012 was not only the day your Kellie died, but it was also the date of the Newtown shootings.  What a horrible day for everyone.  I think that may be why so many people who love you are now reeling even more than you might imagine.  It brings back the sadness of all those kids who were killed too.  The loss of innocence, and the loss of someone so full of life that you loved with all your heart and soul, all on the same's just too overwhelming.

Well, after thinking about all these things, I had an idea that would not only memorialize Kellie and help others who are going through similar circumstances that she did, but also to help you heal your grief by doing something positive with it.

Have you thought about maybe starting a foundation in her name?  A 501c non-profit cancer charity? Or, maybe have a celebration of her life, as a cancer fund raising 5K run or something.

You have always been able to channel your emotions into music, all your life, which is a gift so many people have been blessed to be a part of, why not try to do the same thing now, with your grief?  Write a song for her, dedicate a new album to her, something that touches you as deeply as she did.

I am just trying to suggest things that might help you and comfort you.

Wish I could give you a real hug again, like I did so many years ago.

Ya know, she looked a lot like Karen Carpenter!  I'm sure you must have seen that in her too.  So many fans are on Facebook just crying and feeling heartbroken from reading your message.  We share in your pain, believe it or not.  We are all stunned that you took the time to write such a personal message of grief, and we all love you and want to do something comforting for you in some way.

Those are just some ideas I thought I should toss out to the cosmos, for what they're worth.

Moyes Lucas wrote an awesome message about you it is, in case you didn't see it yet:

I watched the country music awards festival show with Rascal Flats, and Journey. Don't get me wrong. Both the bands sounded great, but I have to tell the world. After working with and experiencing the wondrous talent of Steve Perry, no one else makes those songs work the way Steve does. There is so much emotion in his singing, soooo much heart. You believe every word that comes out of his mouth when he sings.Every night on tour with him was like hearing those songs for the first time, and reliving those feelings. Every night he touched my heart, and I would just be sitting up there on the drums, amazed at what was coming out of his mouth!
Such clarity, such depth, such great pitch! More than just a concert, but a chance to see into a man's heart. So much better than light shows and videos..... Music that needed nothing else, no half nude dancers, or other BS to try to entertain you! Steve Perry was, and is the experience! You go to see him, but you close your eyes, and live everything he is singing! Like my wife says, you can't fake Steve Perry!
Steve, I miss you and I love you, and I understand!

You are definitely loved, and definitely not alone Stephen.  Give Moyes a call.  He loves you too.

And you have my number, if you ever need an objective listener you can trust.  I'm here for you.

Love, Rebecca

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