Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hello from New Jersey

Dear Steve,

Happy weekend to you my happy singing man! At least, I hope you are happy and life is treating you well. Of course I---and millions of fans---are worried about your melanoma issues. But I am sure you have excellent medical professionals on it. Every night as I am falling asleep, I whisper a prayer for you. I really do. You are loved, ya know.

Pete and I drove up to New York City on Wednesday and stood in the middle of Times Square---damned place scared the bejeezus outta me!! Total chaos everywhere! I couldn't process it all in my brain. It was overwhelming and freaky. I felt a bit panicky, actually, wondering where the hell I would have to go for safety if anything bad happened around me.

But, that is just residual PTSD. I can get through it without full blown panic. I just tell myself to breathe and relax, and cling tighter to Pete's arm. I was scared to death that we would get separated, because I would have no clue where to go or how to find him in such a huge crowded place like that.  It is the first time I have ever been to Times Square. 

He got us tickets to see Phantom of the Opera at the Majestic theater. It was BRILLIANT!!! I was amazed at the awesome special effects and all the candleabras rising up through the floor as the dry ice and boat glided all around that stage!! So cool!! I loved it!!! Now I understand why it is the lingest running play on Broadway!

Then we came to our event hotel on Wednesday night, (the event started Thursday), and we spent the afternoon of the 4th with Pete's childhood friend Chuck, For a cookout. Then we saw his other friend Dave perform in Le Miserables on the 5th. Very awesome play!!! I had never seen it before. Nor had we seen Phantom before either. I love going to plays!

I am currently sitting in a gravity chair in the middle of a gazebo, in a courtyard of a Radisson hotel in New Jersey, letting the stinging whip marks on my back and butt sizzle and spark like delayed lightening. 

I just played with Robert Dante. He is a world - renowned whip master and a good friend of ours. He and his wife Mary go to our camp every summer and he is an awesome expert instructor on whips.  In fact, Pete just got his first single-tail whip, with Robert beside him, helping him pick out a really good one. Then he taught 2 whip classes that Pete attended. 

This is TES Fest, the east coast annual BDSM weekend event. We have never attended it before, but it has been a very excellent time. Lots of our DC friends and leather family are here too. 

I was going to go for a naked swim in the pool after the whipping play with Robert but they took a look at my marks and said chlorine on the stinging red welts would be a bad, bad idea. So, I came out here to sit and relax and let my endorphin rush dissipate a bit before I go back upstairs to our room for the rest of the night. 

Robert is one awesome dude. I mean, if you understand how energy is shared between people---like you on a stage with an audience--then you should totally understand when I say that I can FEEL him going into a very focused vortexof concentration and intensity, and as the whip bites at my skin, I feel him sending ME to my own vortex, where I am flying and breathing and soaking in the delayed lightening burn after each stroke. 

He cracks that whip all around me, which of course builds anticipation and anxious energy, which he then molds into a ball of fire, and sends that fire to the tip of that whip every time he throws it at me.  And I stand there, feeling the searing burn that lights up my closed eyes on the inside with a flash--that is the lightening I am trying to describe--and as it fades, it is a slow burning ember that lingers as the next stroke is happening.

It is awesome. 

I told him I have only been single-tailed a few times, in a more sensual way, and I am also a lightweight. He asked if I was a masochist. I said, "Oh noooo, no way." 

But, as it turns out, I guess I must be a liitle! He started out lightly and then every now and then he would THWACK that thing on me and I would swear that I was just cut by a hot knife. And then he would pause, wait for it to subside, rub it and ask if I was ok, and then resume with lighter strokes. Then a few minutes later, THWACK again and I would see bright shining stars behind my eyelids. And I felt my body just ooze into the fire and the rush that came with it.

So that is the best way I know how to describe being whipped by Robert Dante. It was just beyond anything I have ever felt---totally and amazingly awesome! 

I have bought 2 new corsets--ooohhh the long skirted one is over-the-bust purple with black lace all over--it is GORGEOUS!! I will be wearing it to the Tea Party tomorrow!  And the other corset is an under- bust, black with light pink stripes. Very sexy! 

There is also a lady here (vendor) selling the most gorgeous jewelry! I have bought 3 necklace and earring sets, and a pretty cameo for my mom.  

AND, I made 4 mini hats that I brought with me to test whether or not they would sell, and I gave them to our friend Dottie, a vendor friend who does embroidery, and she has sold 3 out of 4 of them---for $30 each!! That is amazing!  I am FLOORED! 

So now sje wants me to make a bunch more for the next event!! How cool is that?! Yayyy!!!

Well, I guess I had better go up to my room and go to bed.  Once those endorphins subside, ya kinda feel drained and tired out. But happy!!

Hope you had a great 4th of July, Steve. Just know that wherever I am, I whisper that prayer every single night, just for you. Love you lots!!


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