Hi Steve,
I hope this finds you well and happy. It has been awhile since I have had the time or energy to sit down and write to ya. Sorry about that. This past week has been a whirlwind. Pete's daughter and her husband, and their nephew came to visit, at the same time as my uncle and his girlfriend. So, we've had a full house of people all week long, which means non-stop entertaining, cleaning up, cooking, going places, etc. Tonight, though, I finally have time AND energy. So, here I am.
We took everyone to the Carnegie Science Center Museum (I really love that place), and they all had a blast--especially my uncle, who is the biggest KID of them all. We took them on a boat cruise along the rivers. We played "Cards Against Humanity," (which is HILARIOUS...definitely my kind of warped humor)! We watched movies. We shopped at thrift stores. We drove to Rogers Ohio for the huge flea market. We shopped at craft stores. We attended a Pirates baseball game. Every day, we did something different, and frankly I am exhausted.
We even TRIED to go to the brand new Field and Stream store in Cranberry PA that just opened today, to see if we could get an autograph from the CEO of the Duck Dynasty t.v. show, for my sister and her husband. They love that show. Me, not so much. However, you'd think it was friggin' ELVIS or something, the way that crowd was lined up out front. He was signing for 2 hours, for 600 people. There must have been 1,000 or more outside that place. FORGET ABOUT IT. We drove to IHOP and had some breakfast instead. Sorry Sis!! Can't say I didn't try.
Tomorrow my uncle and his girlfriend are leaving in the morning, and Pete's daughter drove back to Rochester after the flea market in Rogers, OH, so it will be peaceful and quiet again around here. Pete is gone to DC this weekend too, in order to help our friend paint her condo AND to go see the play "The Book of Mormon," at the Kennedy Center.
So yeah, it's been a rather crazy time around here. I'm kinda glad it's over though. Sheesh. I'm ready for some down time. Had to take a NAP today, we were all so tired out.
I made some cute Pirates mini baseball hats and my mom, my uncle's girlfriend and I all wore one to the Pirates game---got a lot of compliments too!! And I brought an extra mini hat that I glued a mini beer mug on the top, with a mini bottle of beer inside it, black and gold ribbon decorations, and a pendant on the front that said, "Party Goddess!" When I saw a chick walking up the stairs carrying a beer, I held out the hat in front of her and said, "Would you like a hat?" And she stood there confused for a moment, and said, "Really? Wow that is so CUTE! Are you sure?" I said, "Yep, I make 'em, and I thought maybe I'd give one to somebody while I am here, so if you'd like it, go ahead, it's yours." She took it, said, "This is COOL! I love it! Thank you!" and she wore the hat the rest of the time at the game! Gotta make more of those. I'd sell a TON of them if I hung out at the stadium every game day!
Anyway, I took lots of photos but I'll share them with you tomorrow. I'm kinda tired right now. I do hope you have had a great week, and an enjoyable weekend. Not much of summer is left, though, and that is a bummer. But, I do love the fall when the leaves change. I really love nature in the fall the most I think. Walks in the woods, picking up pretty fallen leaves, pressing them in a heavy book, making hot chocolate, and warm apple cider....yeah, I guess you could say that fall and especially Halloween, is my favorite time of year, actually. PLUS I can dress up crazy in anything I want to, and nobody blinks an eye about it. (Still a kid myself I guess).
Well, bye for now my sweet melodic Troubadour.....love you lots. You mean so much to me!
HUGS!! And big, wet sloppy kisses too....xoxo
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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