What the heck kind of coffee are you OFFERING for $10K?!! That's just plain CRAZY dude. I know, I know, it's for a good cause. But CRAP, I know for SURE we can't afford that kinda coffee. So ya may just have to wait a little while longer to meet me in person for the third time, silly poopy. And here I was hoping maybe this little shin-dig would be the charm, ya know? Sheesh. $10K. By now it might even be more than $10K….I haven't checked it lately.
That coffee of yours should really come with a solid gold cup. Or at LEAST a photo op and a kiss! I mean, why the heck doesn't this trip come with air fare and hotel??? Plus there's no photography?!! Really?! You've had your damned photo taken with ELEVENTY MILLION FANS in the past few years, ya schmuck. Come on, get over yourself, and let the poor girl (whomever she may be), have her picture taken with ya. It won't kill ya. Don't be a poop. I mean, sure, okay, maybe skip the kiss part, (unless she's sexy), but no photo?! Yeesh. (SMH)….(that means SHAKING MY HEAD).
Ah well, whatever. I will just roll my eyeballs at you now, and stick out my tongue. BLEAHHH.
Sooooo the festivities of the holidays are almost upon us once again. Wooooo. Next Tuesday I'm driving my mom to Toledo where my sister will meet us and take my mom back with her to Michigan for the week, to spend Thanksgiving with them while Pete and I take off the next morning for New Jersey. Two blocks away from the Stone Pony bar where Bruce Springsteen got his start, there is a hotel event that we'll be attending, right on the boardwalk. Last year, Hurricane Sandy had just hit and the place was a hot mess. The hotel was fine, but the places all around it were not. It will be interesting to see how far the progress has come since then on rebuilding the area.
Well, I've kinda stumbled into a strange situation lately. I had about 20 small picture frames from the Dollar Tree store, (they were meant to have pictures of Florence in them to give out at the memorial service, but we didn't use them), so I thought, "Hmmm, I'll bet I could glue them together like a collage, and put photos of……hmmmm…..who the heck would I put in those frames?? Well, on a whim, I thought of YOU. So, tah dah, here it is…..
So then, like a moron, I posted the damned thing on Facebook, and now 3 other women want one. SIGH. I've made 2 more so far. They won't friggin' FIT inside a regular box, though, oh NOOO, that would make life too EASY… I had to go to a pizza place and buy pizza boxes. This particular photo wreath is made with those extra metal mini frames, so it's a bit heavier than the other two are. The magnetic square frame (bottom right) actually works better and they are much lighter, so I'll be shipping those out and keeping this one. The smaller photos in this one are also magnetic lighter frames, without glass. Then I just glued music notes on it.
Ah well, making hats and now frames, sooooo I'm keeping busy.
Hey I gotta go. Love you lots….xoxoxoxox
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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