Hi Steve,
I'm scrambling around here trying to get as much done as I possibly can before tomorrow evening. I had originally planned to take my mom to Toledo where we would meet my sister (who would drive from Michigan and take her back for a week's visit), but because of the impending storm that is on its way, we decided to cancel the whole trip. Now I just have to plan for the coming week's event in New Jersey (Brimstone), and make sure I have everything packed that I'll need. BUT, I also have to make more mini-hats because once we return, I'll only have a few days before the Comic Con (craft show).
So, with all that and Christmas shopping, you can imagine my dilemma….(Oh, yes, I AM ALL DONE, because I hate going anywhere near stores in December. The holidays should be POSITIVE, and FUN….not a big fat headache, with rude people and nowhere to park, and arguing with sales people about pricing issues, etc). I don't like venturing out anywhere on Black Friday, either, and frankly I think it's a royal CROCK of CRAP that so many stores are staying open on Thanksgiving, making their employees WORK, to get a jump on it. I don't think any stores should be open at all on Thanksgiving. It's like they are all just ignoring the holiday, like it doesn't matter anymore. But to me, it matters. I guess I am just a bit old fashioned. I mean, sure if they want to PAY those employees time and a half for working on a holiday, I'm all for it. But they don't. So they are just abusing workers, frankly, and it's just not fair. God, I get so damned sick and tired of how messed up this world is.
Anyway, so yeah, Pete and I are going to drive 8 hours to New Jersey in the middle of a snow storm on Wednesday morning. Yippy. I hope he'll get new tires on his van tomorrow, and an oil change, before we go. I just don't want anything to go wrong with the transportation. I also don't want to get into any accidents or anything…and that worries me, because Pete tends to speed like a demon, and isn't always the most safe when he's driving. I grip the door handle so tight sometimes, my knuckles are white. When you think about all those accidents where the last words the people ever spoke were "OH SHIT!", it just makes me shiver in horror. I really don't trust anybody on the roads either.
Sooooooo my Christmas shopping is all finished, wrapped, and ready to go. I refuse to decorate our house for Christmas until Thanksgiving is over and done, though. But I do have a really pretty plan for my kitchen/dining room this year. Instead of my usual blue and silver snow flake theme (I've never been the red and green type of Christmas person), I"m going with silver and white. All over the place. I want it to look like a winter wonderland when you walk in the door. I have even bought white curtains to replace the ones that are up on the windows most of the time. I've got silver garlands, ornaments, wreaths, a white table cloth with silver place mats, and white plates with silver around the rim, white napkins wrapped in a silver snowflake napkin ring, etc…..and l'm going to leave it all up until after our next party in January!
The dumb thing about it is, we aren't even going to BE here for Christmas. OH my GAWD, you would probably laugh at me for complaining about this, but Pete keeps our calendar and makes all of our plans for events and things, and this man is running me absolutely ragged. This past weekend we attended a pajama party kink event, (had some fun), and we were there for 9 hours because we helped set up all the equipment, move tables and chairs, buy the food and beverages, etc., so it was a long day. Then Pete took off to DC to visit our friend Judy and cheer her up a bit (she's stressed out). He came back today and went to bed at 9 p.m. He was totally exhausted.
So today and tomorrow are my only days to get everything I possibly can get done before the whirlwind begins. We leave Wednesday morning, we stay through Monday, drive back to Pittsburgh and then I have less than a week to get everything ready for the Comic Con. The weekend at this shin-dig is going to be crazy. I'm glad though, because I've got hats everywhere around this damned house. I'm ready to sell them and move on to doing nothing for awhile. I get to meet George Takei!!!! Now I don't know about YOU, Stephen, but I LOVE HIM. I just absolutely LOVE that man. I think he's hilarious, and he's got integrity, and he's just a good dude all around. He's going to be at the Comic Con, so I am going to get my picture taken with him! But wait, there's more! I'm his Facebook friend, so I get to see his posts every day, too. AND, on Friday of last week, my new friend Grace took me to an arts and crafts festival, where I found a woman who makes skirts out of t-shirt material, and on the front of them, she has various OLD t-shirt photos and captions---she basically cuts them out, and puts them onto new fabric, and makes them look brand new again! HERE IS WHAT I AM GETTING:
SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! I KNOW, RIGHT?!!! How friggin' awesome is THAT?!! I'm going to wear a red shirt, with red and black tights, and my red boots….I'm also going to make a gold emblem out of a glittery gold foamy sheet, shaped like the one behind his head, to pin on my red shirt. Now I just gotta get an Enterprise Christmas ornament to make a mini hat, and I'll be all set. hehehehehehehe (Hey, I'm a dork, and that's what we dorks DO!).
Yes, I know, it's rather funny because I'll have a GAY MAN'S FACE on my TWAT!!! hehehehehehehe You love that, don't you. Sure you do. You're chuckling at me now. I can almost feel it. Well, "Mister Chuckles," go ahead and guffaw if you must, but this is my crazy life. What can I say?! At least there's never a dull moment!! So nyahhhh. I love to entertain you, my friend. Oh, hey, the Groupon people have a Journey and Steve Miller Band concert ticket for $25 bucks….of course, it's in the grassy area WAYYYYY far from the stage, and over 1,000 have been sold so far. Alas, I will not be one of those ticket purchasers this time around. I really am no longer interested in Journey. Pete offered to get us better tickets closer to the stage, but ya know, I've kinda just lost the passion for it.
YOU, however, I will NEVER lose interest in, or passion for. :) You still rock my world!!
Anyway, sooooo after the comic con is over, the following weekend we are going to Ohio for an indoor water park birthday party for Pete's grandson, and then the NEXT weekend is Christmas. We are driving up to Rochester NY to be with Pete's kids. Then we'll come back to Pittsburgh, wait a couple days, and then drive to DC for the New Years Eve party…and THEN we'll bring Judy back here with us to visit for a few more days. THEN it's a party to plan for in mid-January.
See what I mean?!! This man I married runs me absolutely ragged. I am exhausted most of the time. He's like the friggin' Energizer Bunny, and I'm one of those people who needs down time, quiet time, alone time…DO NOTHING time….ya know? So we are polar opposites in that respect. He enjoys driving…I don't. He loves mornings, I don't…we have a lotta differences in our relationship, that's for sure. We think oppositely all the time too, I will mention going someplace with directions on how to get there, but he'll want to take a short cut, or find his own way there on back roads, etc., when the actual directions seem to ME to be much easier to follow. That sorta thing.
Ah well, such is life. I guess I'd better get off this computer and get busy doing more hats. Sigh. I think I have over 200 of them now. These damned things better sell, or I'll be highly peeved.
Oh, and by the way, NOOOOO I will NOT be putting YOUR face on my twat. I mean, unless you ask me nicely, of course. WINK!!! I might, however, bring this lady an old Journey t-shirt of the Escape album cover, and see if she can make me one of those at some point. We'll see. Dorks, we do this sort of weird shit all the time. Don't mind me, I'm just doing what comes naturally!!
I love ya Steve. I really truly do, with all my heart. You're a good egg. Don't pig out too much on Thanksgiving, but I hope you know that I am very thankful for you every day, because that voice of yours soothed my soul for 30 years of hardships, got me through very tough times, helped me when I was down….you were always there for me, singing just to me, it seemed….made me feel happy. You still do. I think you probably always will. Otherwise, why would I be sitting here writing on a silly blog all the damned time?!
Bye for now you sexy beast of a man. Hey, how's that coffee date thing going? I haven't checked it in a week, so I've no clue what the latest bid amount is. Should be ending soon, too, I think? Well, whomever she is, I hope you will have a nice time chatting with her. Who knows, maybe a connection will occur and you'll be great friends from that day on. You're very generous in doing all this stuff, so I hope it works out well for you and for the charity too.
Love you lots….bye for now.
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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