Hi Steve,
Wow, this weather we have all been dealing with lately really sucks. I don't know how things are in LA, but it has been freakin' COLD around here the past couple weeks. I am ready for spring!! It is rainy today and in the 50 degree range, so it's getting better. All of the snow is melted at least. Yeah, and I (like an idiot), sped out too fast the other day and got mud all over my car, so today I spend $5 on a car wash and NOW it's friggin' RAINING. GRRRRRR. That happens to me all the damned time.
Anyway, sooooooo…..how are you? I'm doing better since last time I wrote. I talked to Pete, actually, to ask if he was getting tired of me already. He reassured me that he is not. When we first started dating, I kept telling him, "one day you will be so sick of me, you'll want to kick me to the curb." Yeah, you see, I believe in total (and even brutal) honesty over everything else. But he kept telling me that would never happen. I rolled my eyeballs and just went with it.
So, of course, when he tells me he wants a hall pass to have sex with our friend Judy, (on our anniversary no less), immediately my brain started thinking, "Welp, you damned well got yourself into one of those self-fulfilling prophecies, you idiot." I really wondered if he might, indeed, be getting tired of me. Of course, I had 5 days of solitude while he was gone, to have it just spin around in my head too. But, he swore that he most definitely is NOT tired of me. So at this point, I'm just rolling my eyeballs and going with it again. Don't really know what else to do. Kinda relieved though.
Ah well, sometimes that damned inner insecurity comes rolling around in my head, ya know? It happens to the best of us. You might even have had it happen to YOU once or twice in your lifetime, am I right? Oh come on, you know I'm right. You're only human.
Ya know, Stephen, I sit here typing and I imagine you answering me, nodding your head, smiling, or just giving me a love tap on my shoulder in response to rhetorical questions I ask you here. So, ok, I guess that works. Of course, it would be so much BETTER if you just sent me a damned email or something. Sigh. But okay, okay, I know you're not into that. I suppose I can deal. Just think about it, though…..I mean, I know you've called people out of the blue just to say hello…..just gotta go to YouTube and type in Steve Perry phone call, and there ya go. So, hey, that would work too.
If you ever DID call me out of the blue like that, I wouldn't be all freaked out though, acting all gushy and love struck. I'd more likely be like, "What the hell TOOK YOU SO LONG?!" hehehehehe Or, "It's about damned TIME you called me, ya turd." So, yeah, I guess you should prepare yourself for that reaction just in case. I mean SHIT dude, I've been sitting here for over TWO YEARS doing this damned blog for you to enjoy, and frankly sometimes it feels like I'm talkin' to a brick friggin' wall. Ya know? Like I'm just blown' dust in the wind….heyyyy that should be a song! (snert)
But I suppose you'd probably make me pay $60K just to talk to your sexy butt on the phone, right?! I hope you've had the coffee meeting with whomever won that auction, and I hope it was enjoyable! But don't look at me for $60K my friend. I'd give ya my first born child or a few pints of blood or something, sure, but that's a bit steep for my finances. I mean, sure, Pete works at Apple and makes 6 figures, but damn, this 1% stuff ain't what it's made out to be. It's all relative. The more money you have, the more you spend, and so it's all just the same for everybody really. We don't just have an extra $60K laying around for a rainy day like SOME people. Sniff.
Well, if you ever DO call me on the phone, I promise I will give you my very best 1-900 voice that I can possibly muster up, (why yes, actually, I have been told that I have a 1-900 voice), and I promise that I will rock your world right back, for all the rocking' world moments you've given to me over the 30+ years I've been listening to that sexy voice of YOURS. Deal?? GRIN! That would be fun!!
So I have a bunch of Christmas stuff to put back up in the attic storage, I took it all down already. I thought about leaving it up until after this coming weekend *(we are having a party Saturday night, so if you want to attend, just lemme know…I THINK, with a 3500 square foot house, we could probably make some room for ya), but then again, you MIGHT have to sit on my face, to save some space for everybody else in the crowd. Hard to say really. WINK!
But, I figured the 18th is kinda lame to keep your holiday stuff all up and everywhere. So, screw it, I'm taking down the tree and putting it back away for another year. I am also in the process of re-doing my "office" area….I was actually rather surprised last week when I received an email from some lady who said her hubby had bought her one of my hats for their anniversary, (a wedding style hat), and she absolutely loved it, so she wants me to make some Pittsburgh Pirates hats for herself and some ladies she works with in an office. I'm gonna have to have an office / work area, just to make more hats!!
Ya know, Stephen, if you wanted me to make you a bunch of 49ers hats, just say the word my friend. Just don't tell anybody in Pittsburgh, they might kill me. These people are apeshit crazy for their teams.
Well I gotta scoot. Hope you are well, and I hope you're planning something fun for your birthday too!
Love you lots….xoxoxo
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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