Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Concerts this week and a busy weekend ahead...

Hi Steve,

You would have LOVED seeing the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra last night.  They played the music of:

Now, I know you actually got to see the REAL Queen band with Freddie Mercury, and that is friggin' awesome! (It's also one of the things I envy about you).  I would have loved to have seen that too.
But, this was about as close as I'm ever gonna get.  Sigh.  It was pretty good though, I enjoyed it.

A friend of ours (who came to the concert with her daughter) actually LEFT at half time because "They don't sound anything like Freddie, and I'm a huge fan of Queen, so this kinda blows."  They were also concerned because, at one point the lead singer yells out, "What songs do you want to hear?" and Pete yelled out "Fat Bottomed Girls."  He says, (after a few more titles), "Well, sorry, we're not going to do those tonight."  (I KNEW HE WAS ONLY JOKING, but THEY thought he was serious)!!

And right after the half time intermission, yup, you guessed it, they played Fat Bottomed Girls!

And on Monday night, we saw:

Now, this was FUN!!  I have seen Mitch Ryder MANY years ago, like, probably 30+ years ago, and at that time, he was running around the stage all energetic…..but this time around, he just stood there, and sang.  I guess he must be getting up in age.  But he still sounded great!  Chuck Negron mentioned that the band finished a song and had played it so much they HATED IT, and that song was "Joy to the World." (That was my favorite song with I was 8 years old)!!  I sang it all the time when I was a kid!

Mark Farner, was freakin' AWESOME!!  He had great energy, running around the stage, dancing, flipping his pony tail all over the place while head banging, etc.  I really enjoyed him!  He started "Loco Motion," (also another favorite of mine), and people in the audience started a conga line!

Gary Lewis…..well…..he was OKAY….nothing really to write about.  But, all in all they did a really great job!

Flo and Eddie came on at the end, and were dancing the "Gangnam Style."  They had blips of the video and everything, and they looked ridiculous! Then they said, "WHAT THE HELL DID THEY DO TO OUR  MUSIC, MAN?!"  I loved it.

So, I've been rather busy this week. The weekend is coming, and------let me back up a minute----- did I mention that my hubby now has 2 girlfriends?  Yep.  Judy lives in DC, and I've known her for a long time. She's very much into musical theater and sings in a choir, which are two of Pete's favorite things. So he goes down to DC once a month to stay with her, and they go to musicals.

Here in Pittsburgh, our friend Sally has now become somewhat "girlfriendish" but she is also bi.  So Pete invites her over and plays with her on the St. Andrews Cross and stuff.  I just let it go.  I mean, if having 2 other chicks around to keep him happy with things I'm not very enthused about, why not??  So I have somehow found myself in a "poly" relationship.  Weird huh?  Kinda blows MY mind too.

Anyway, so Judy is coming HERE this weekend, and we are taking her to Ohio for a wedding that she is going to, and we'll all stay at a hotel.  Pete and I will just go out to the mall and do some shopping while she's there.  Then we'll have dinner, and drive back to our house, where she'll stay overnight and then Pete will take her to the airport on Sunday.

I have kept busy this past weekend (while Pete was in DC), clearing out and planting flowers on one level of our long retaining wall on the side of our driveway.  This was a 2 day job, and I was exhausted.  My physical therapist told me to STOP DOING SO MUCH, because my right shoulder could be more injured from it….but my thing is, if I don't do stuff around here NOW, after I have rotator cuff surgery, I'll be worthless to do much of ANYTHING while I recover.  And it ain't gonna do it itself.  Pete sure as hell won't be doing it either, I can't even get him to carry in cat litter from the garage for me.

Anyway, so I stay home, I do all the housework, I do the cooking, I do just about everything ALONE while Pete goes out and about and has 2 girlfriends on the side.  This is my life.

But, I may start looking for a boyfriend soon.  Wanna come over?!  WINK!!

Ah well, love ya lots Stephen. Have a great week.  Hope you have some fun plans for July 4th!  If not, come on over, we're having a cookout.

Love, Rebecca

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