Dear Steve, Happy Birthday!! No, I didn't forget!! If you see my Facebook page, you'll know I'm not fibbing. I have just been gone all day long.
Pete, Sally, Judy and I are all in New York City to attend the first annual Broadway Con. It's a lotta screaming, singing cosplay teenagers, and I had a headache by the time we left. Nobody has "indoor voices" anymore. I don't know why.
Ben Vereen is here, he's very cool! The original cast of Rent was there today (I haven't seen that one yet). The current cast of Hamilton was there too. It was interesting to hear them tell stories of how their lives changed when the got the audition.
We are going to see Allegiance (with George Takei) Sunday night, too! And last night, we got tickets to go see a taping of the Colbert Late Show!! THAT was FUN!!
A comedian called Pete up to the stage because he was loudest when the guy asked how loud we could cheer for Colbert. So the comedian asks Pete, "So where are you from?" And then, "who are you here with?" And Pete says, "well, I'm here with my wife, my girlfriend and my other girlfriend!"
The comedian almost dropped the microphone. He says, "Dude! I want to be YOU!" And then---as Judy started to have a meltdown---the comedian called for all of us to come to the stage!! I was scared to death. Judy was saying "I resent this!" And she refused to go, as Sally and I started going to the stage. I didn't pay much attention to her, but she is a Jewish American Princess Attention Whore toxic piece of dead weight full of negativity.
So we go up there to the stage, and the comedian asks me if I think about what they are doing when Pete goes to stay at Sally's once a week. I looked at the guy like he was crazy, and said "No! Jealousy is a waste of energy!" And he was totally flabbergasted. Then I said, "I'd rather spend that energy to find myself a boyfriend!"
So then his mind is totally blown. "Wow! Wow,!" And then he bowed down to Pete, like, "I'm not worthy!" And thanked us. So we went back to our sears and I told Pete on the way that Judy was having a tantrum.
She sat there the entire time with an angry face, arms crossed, and silent. Pouting about something that she resented, apparently. But I don't play that childish shit so I ignored her and enjoyed the show! Christian Slater was on, and Iggy Pop too.
When the show ended, and we started walking back to the hotel, Judy took off in front of us, still angry, and we had no idea why. So we just ignored her again. Suddenly, she spins around, and begins SCREAMING to the entire world how she was pissed because (to Pete), "YOU OUTED ME!"
Now, people are walking all round us, and she's yelling her head off about "how DARE you!" And "You did NOT ask my permission to out me!" So we are standing there, my fists were clenched and I thought, "if she hits Pete, I'm gonna kick her ass." Pete calmly answered, "I didn't "out" you. I never mentioned your name. Nobody knows you here anyway." She screamed at him "that's not the point! You didn't ask me first! You just took it upon yourself to OUT ME as POLY!" So, after trying to calmly discuss it, Pete finally yelled "Oh just fuck off Judy!" And then she screamed "Fuck YOU, asshole!" And she stormed off.
We just stood there, blinking. Sally says, "Ohhhh I'm SO gonna kick her ass." And I said, "SHE just OUTED HERSELF to a hundred thousand people on the street by screaming like that."
Then, we made our way back to the hotel, and I said to Pete, "time to END IT with Judy." He said, "yeah, I'm starting to see that she's not really worth the price of admission."
So the three of us decided that we would just go on ignoring her. I said, "what an ungrateful bitch. YOU paid for her train ticket to get here from DC, YOU paid for her to have a separate hotel room, and YOU bought the $250 ticket for her to go to this Broadway thing. Tell her elitist, entitled ass to pack her shit, cancel her hotel room, return the ticket to the Con, and tell her to take a BUS home."
Her hotel room door slammed, and a few minutes later, she comes knocking on our door. I didn't get up to answer it. Neither did Sally. So Pete goes to the door and she says, "we need to talk." He says, "not unless it is a civil conversation." So she agreed and he went to her room.
I said to Sally, "if he's not back within a half hour, I will go over there and tell her to pack her shit and go home." We heard some yelling, and another slam of her door after a few minutes. Pete comes in, and Sally says, "You didn't CAVE did you?" He replied, "No, but we both apologized." (That kinda seems like he caved, at least to me. Apologize to HER?! For WHAT?!)
So a little bit later, she knocks on our door again, asking to come in. She sits on our bed, starts crying, and Sally's like, "I'm going down to the lobby to blow off some steam." And she left. (If she had stayed, she said later, she would have kicked her ass). She doesn't like Judy at all, and hasn't since day one. I've known her for a long time, but I'm never going to be her friend. And now I am telling Pete to end it with her. He's agreed to be civil (and Sally and I too) this weekend to her, but after that, we won't have to see her anymore.
Sally blocked her from her phone (because Judy started a group message and was dictating what we would be doing at this Con, when and where, sending 20 texts or more, driving us ALL batty before we even got here. She also refuses to talk to her.
I, on the other hand, enjoy killing people with kindness, especially if they don't expect that reaction. It messes them up. So, I have been nice to her. "So glad you worked things out." (She sat here crying for another HOUR after Pete and Sally left to go to a stripper club for awhile. I opted to stay in the hotel room. I just sat here playing my online slot games, ignoring her and letting her cry. She, at one point, turns to me with an angry face and says, I do NOT give you permission to out me, ever." I smiled and said, "Heh, why would I?!" She didn't answer.
I thought to myself, if she's THAT embarrassed to be poly with me and my husband, she can kiss both of our butts goodbye. Pete is trying to just be civil to her, but Sally and I are on guard, ready to beat her face in if she does or says ANYTHING else that we don't like.
So today had just a SMIDGE of tension between us all, to say the least. That's how I spent MY day on your birthday.
This poly stuff can get ugly sometimes. Sally and I get along great though, so the 3 of us are fine without Judy around to be a huge buzzkill all the time.
Yep!! Good times!!
Judy left to meet a friend tonight and see a show with her, so the 3 of us decided to go for a walk to Times Square for awhile. That place is so overwhelming to me. Too much stimuli going on. Too much noise, people in costumes trying to grab at me to pay for a picture taken with them, cars honking horns, sirens, and constantly changing pictures on the buildings that are distracting. I am exhausted.
It has been a long day, and we have 2 more to go at this thing. Sigh. I think I am the only person in this entire Con that doesn't know much about theater, acting, and musical lyrics to Broadway shows. So I am a bit bored. But, I splurged at the vending area and got myself a beautiful handmade bag with gorgeous decorations all over it. Later I went back to get another bag, and the lady was so happy, she gave me a pretty pair of black gloves, for free, and reduced the price of a hat 50% for me.
Anyway, tomorrow I may just bug out and go elsewhere---BUT, it's supposed to snowstorm here tonight, with 8-12 inches of snow expected, with 50 mph winds. So I don't know where I would go, except back to the hotel. I just don't want to be in another huge, loud crowd of people again, at least, not for very long.
I sincerely hope that you had an enjoyable birthday, ate some cake, and worked on that new album of yours!! Can't WAIT to hear it!!
You are blessed, and loved, by so many!
Bye for now. Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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