Hey Bubba!! (aka: Stephen)...
I've been chuckling all day at the comments people have made regarding the video clip of you and Miss Red Dress...wow, you've really caused quite a ruckus with that girl on your arm...was that the point? Somebody wrote that "she looks like she's his granddaughter..." and someone wrote, "I hope they're not having intercourse because...well he's just too old for that nonsense." (That one cracked me up the most)!!
Too old for that "nonsense" indeed. *WINK* I think you and I BOTH know that's NOT the case. Sixty is like the new 40....so, live it up my friend, get jiggy wid it, ride it hard, put it away wet, etc., and get yourself some good lovin' from this woman.
I hope it's a good thing for you, I really do, and man oh man, you really looked HAPPY...so that made ME happy, and I for one am ALL FOR IT. I say she's very pretty, she has a real and honest look about her, someone genuine...and I hope that's true...and I say you deserve someone gorgeous, and genuine, and who gives a rat's ass about any age difference there might be?
Pete's 10 years older than I am, and it doesn't matter one damned bit. Not to ME anyway. I've always liked older men, though. Can't deal with the younger guys, no thanks. Just don't have the patience for it. I dated a 15 year old guy when I was 17, and learned REAL fast that it wouldn't work---that is, he was all caught up in "Thundercats HO!" (an 80's cartoon), and I was all about graduating high school and going on to college, REAL WORLD stuff, ya know? Worried about my future, and all that jazz. Didn't give a crap about cartoons. So we were very far apart in maturity level, even at only 2 years' chronological age difference between us. He was the only younger guy I ever dated.
I gotta tell ya this.....I do envy the way your arm was slid so comfortably around her...as if you've known her awhile...I mean, it seems like maybe it WASN'T a "first date" situation, just from the body language of the two of you. Very cool!! I'm sincerely happy for you, because I love you dearly. I hope she treats you well, I really do. (If she doesn't, I know about a million female fans of yours who will hunt her down...including me).
Just don't be a douche-bag like Neal, and cheat on her in 2 months....ya know?? Be nice to her!! I'd like to see her stick around with you for a long time. So don't blow it. You're gettin' too damned old to be alone...and THAT is the truth. Never too old for some good nooky, but too damned old to be alone.
Ah well, you're my sweet Stephen, and you deserve so much happiness and love...you really do.
I'm sorry I've been all caught up in my ex-boyfriend's old emails, I guess it's my Sherlock Holmes' intuition of trying to find the reason WHY I ended up being duped and hurt by him, after loving him so much for so long. I guess I think maybe the answer is staring me in the face if I re-read them, something I missed along the way, some clue as to WHY things ended the way they did...it's probably just a delusion on my part, but it feels like an unresolved conflict, and that just drives me nuts.
Nobody's perfect. My friend Lisa wrote a response to my posting of the video of you with Miss Red Dress today on Facebook, "And I'll bet you wish that was YOU, don't you? Hehehehe." I wrote back, "Nah, I'm too chubby for him....and I'd crap my pants." HAHAHAHA!!! (Just kidding). I told my mom, "If I saw him across a crowded room, I'd open my mouth to say something, only to notice that I've crapped my pants...then I'd sneak out to the nearest bathroom, kicking myself for missing my chance!"
Ah well, it's a glamorous life I lead, what can I say?? At least I'm realistic about such things.
.........................................You couldn't handle me anyway. *WINK*
But HEYYYYY, you were in NEW YORK CITY, which is only SIX HOURS from Pittsburgh!! You coulda just dropped by for awhile, so I could give you a hug and take you out to see the sites!! Hell, you could have even brought Miss Red Dress along!! That would be awesome!! Dammit man, just get the heck over here, and show up unannounced on my doorstep---even if you have her with you, I don't care---it would be so great to finally say to you in person, "You have rocked my world since I was 10 years old, and you continue to inspire me and I will always love and admire you for your voice, your sexy dance moves, your talent, that big SCHNOZ of yours, and your fierce determination. You'll always be the sexiest MAIN MAN in my world." Then I could take you out and show you some cool stuff, like the Warhol Museum. (That is one psychedelic place, lemme tell ya).
So, pack a bag, bring the chick with ya, and get over here. Let's go out and see some stuff, and have a fun day, and just be CHILLIN' as if we have known each other for years. I won't tell ANYBODY. I'd even sign whatever papers you'd want me to sign, stating that. All I want is for you to be happy, have fun, and enjoy your life....and know that people out here like me, are NOT always nutball psycho's who want to blab your innermost secrets to the tabloids. (I might be a nutball about trying to figure out my ex-boyfriend, sure, but if you knew him, you'd never be able to figure him out either).
Well, Pete will be home soon, so I'm going to get my jammies on and brush my teeth, and call it a day. Give Miss Red Dress my regards, and snuggle with her close...it gives me a warm fuzzy to think of you doing that, and I don't care who you do it with. Marry her, grow old with her, and love her LOTS.
Just keep readin' my silly blog for a laugh, and PROMISE ME you'll stay cool.
Bye for now.
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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