So, after the subspace subsides, and I am back to my normal self again, Pete and I go get some food and a bottle of water. I'm walking around this dungeon in my hot pink bra, with my black under-the-bust corset around my middle, and pink and black thong panties, with my pink and black fishnet shoes...
And suddenly, out of nowhere, is Mr. "Walk on Me." He's smiling and seemed friendly, but it was just ODD that he would target ME out of all the other women with sexy shoes in the whole damned place. So Pete asked me if I wanted to oblige the man, (I would guess he was in his late 40's, early 50's), and I told Pete that the guy VAGUELY reminded me SOMEWHAT of my ex, Peter...he sort of resembled him a little...and that I might enjoy stomping on his ass a little bit, just for shits and giggles.
So, this dude (Doug), lays down on a carpet, (ewwww...I suggested he get a blanket, but he said he preferred it that way...must enjoy humiliation or something...that rug was DIRTY) he lays on his stomach, and I realize with a slight jolt that he's wearing a black thong panty and black thigh-high stockings. Suddenly, he no longer resembled my ex at ALL. (Peter would NEVER wear such a thing). So, all thoughts of stomping on my ex's balls awhile just kinda went out the window. SHIT!! NOW what the hell was I gonna do with this poor slob I've never met before??? I got kinda nervous.
Pete says, "Do you want me to command you while you do this? Would that make it easier for you?" And I'm like, "YAY!!!! YESSSS!!!" so he took my arm, and helped me keep my balance, as I walked around the guy, stepping on him with the balls of my feet, HARD, and then scraping him and stepping on him lightly with the heel, all over his body....even his butt. His groans and moans were confusing to me, though, I really didn't know if it was a GOOD thing or not. Pete seemed to recognize those sounds, and directed me on what to do next, and how to do I managed to make this guy SUPER happy, even though I didn't know what the hell I was doing.
I've spanked a guy once, but only once, and it felt WEIRD to me....this was before I had gotten involved with BDSM stuff. I had been living in DC and was on a VANILLA web site to meet people, and this dude who worked at the Pentagon asked if he could come over and do a sexy dance for was 3:00 o'clock in the morning, and even though I thought it was a stupid ass thing to do, I felt reckless and threw caution to the wind, and invited him to my house. A total stranger shows up at my door with a boom box, and he comes in, undresses to his underwear, then he does a sexy dance for me, and then asks me if I would spank him awhile. I was freaked out a bit, to say the least, but I went ahead and spanked him. I just felt confused as all hell for weeks after that. It was exciting, but weird at the same time. I had no clue if I would ever do that again for him or anybody else, but it was interesting.
So this dude, Doug, tells me softly to step on his hands and fingers....I'm thinkin', "I'm gonna be SUED IN A COURT OF LAW for this!! What if I break his damned hand?!" But, I guess I did it right because he seemed to really enjoy it. Other people were gathering around us, too, just to watch....and I thought, "Holy CRAP I have an AUDIENCE?! SHIT!! SHIT!! SHIT!!" and I was kinda nervous, wondering what the hell to do next. Then our friend Lisa comes over, and starts telling me things that I should try, and it really made the guy happy. So, after about a half hour of this, he gets up, and with a lovey-dovey stoned look on his face, he HUGS me, and says, "THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! YOU WERE GREAT! THAT WAS SOOO EXCELLENT! I LOVED IT!" And he just kept gushing all these compliments and stuff at me, and I'm like, "whoaaaa...dude...uhhh....ok....yeah....buh-bye now....."
But NOW, this guy, Doug, is suddenly "my FRIEND" on a BDSM web site that I belong to, and wants a REPEAT of this little episode, the next time we go there. "Holy CRAP," I said to Pete, "we've created a monster." So, apparently I have rocked the world of some total stranger in Ohio, out of nowhere, and I had no clue what the hell I was even DOING. THAT, my friend, is what I would call a pretty friggin' awesome evening!! Sometimes ya just gotta fake your way through shit, and pretend that you do it all the time, ya know?? The confidence level is what fools people. You can pretty much get away with just about anything if you have the right amount of confidence, and persuasion....and a tiny bit of innocence thrown in for good measure. hehehehehehe I'm a sly little girl sometimes, ain't I??
Well I have to get ready to go see TONY BENNETT in concert tonight. Unfortunately both of our mom's have crapped out on us, they don't feel very well. I think my mom is coming down with a cold. Florence is feeling under the weather too, just very tired. This morning, sadly, she even said (for the very first time), "I just want to lay down and DIE."
I think her time is coming sooner than we know. She is really declining at a rapid rate.
Talk to you later, gator.
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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