This is my experience at the dungeon last night............exactly as it happened......fasten your seatbelt....
A total stranger walked up to me as I entered the dungeon lobby, in the dim light by the dark black curtains on the window. He told me that he liked my shoes. I had worn my pink and black fishnet covered shoes, to go with my pink and black bra, corset and panties---and the pink and black rope that I would later be tied up in. I politely (and shyly) smiled and said, "Thank you," thinking that was the end of the conversation. I turned away, listening to Pete talk to the person at the front desk. I was actually wrong about that. This person I never laid eyes on before leaned in closer to me, looked me right in the eyes, and said, "they look PERFECT for walking on me later...if you would consider it?"
I guess people in Ohio aren't very shy about such things when fresh new "meat" walks in the door.
I blinked. I have never been asked to walk on a man before. I don't really understand the thrill of that idea, but hey, who am I to judge somebody else's kink? Whatever floats your boat is fine with me. Sounded harmless enough. I stammered, rather embarrassingly, " do know that I'm not Twiggy, right? I am a bit hefty...and I don't know you well enough to want to kill you like that." He laughed and answered, "Well all you do is put your feet on me, not your whole body it's okay." And I'm trying to picture this idea, seeing myself in my mind losing my balance and crushing the poor slob by accident. I said, "Ummm...okay...well, I don't know....I will ask my hubby about it." Pete had been busy talking to someone though, so he didn't hear this strange conversation.
The dungeon door opened again and two people that Pete and I know personally walked in. I squealed and reached out to hug them---our camp friends Rachel, and her husband Bernie. He is the one I mentioned to you before, the guy who has absolutely THE most pain tolerance I've ever seen a human being have, the guy who gets himself crucified every year. They hugged us and stood there talking with us for awhile. I didn't mention the shoe-guy to Pete at that point, either, because Bernie says, "Hey, come see the new toy I made...I call it, "the single-tail of DOOM."
(insert badass background music of Rob Zombie here)...
So of course, we walk into the dungeon play space, to take a look. Every time we see Bernie, he's got some new toy that he's made, that looks like something out of a real historical medieval dungeon. This item was no different. In fact, it made me shiver, it looked so badass and evil. He had taken more than a dozen silver "ninja stars" and linked them together like a jointed snake, with the blades of each one all sharpened, and then he attached a chain mail handle to it. The demonstration made me cringe, because it looked as though it would SHRED a person if it weren't handled properly. But, that's Bernie. He likes being shredded on a daily basis. Remember: "Whatever floats your boat."
We watched as Rachel commanded Bernie to get naked, and then she tied his wrists up above his head into leather cuffs, and thens he put a ball gag in his mouth. Then she used the "single-tail of DOOM" on him. He had slashes of red all across his chest and back, and butt...and he loved every stroke of that thing, every sharp blade, every inch of his body responded in a reactive pain that instantly became pleasure for him. Lines of pink swelled up all over his body. He's got what's called "Leather Skin," almost...from all the markings and scars that he's amassed for many years. Then Rachel used a regular flogger, then another regular single tail on top of those little slits of pink....Pete leans over to me and whispers, "I wonder if she ever wipes him down with vinegar after they play?" I laughed quietly and said, "Oh my GAWD, he would LOVE YOU FOREVER if you suggested that to her. Make it apple cider vinegar!!" Pete laughed quietly and said, "Yeah, that even tastes better too!"
Yes, when you watch something so badass and evil as the "single-tail of DOOM," you actually tend to become a little bit sadistic yourself. Must be something in our human genetic make-up. It would explain all those films about medieval stuff, and all the crowds of people who lined up to watch others get hanged and/or guillotined, and all that fun stuff they used to do to each other back then. Who knows?!
So eventually, she finishes causing Bernie to soar into la-la-land, and takes his arms down from the cuffs, and hugs him silently, rubbing his wounds, cooing in his ear, calming him down and reassuring him that while he's flying through subspace, she's there to comfort and protect him. That's a great Dom right there. When you're kinda stoned out of your gourd on endorphins, anybody could walk up to you and do just about anything, and you wouldn't give a shit. You wouldn't be able to really defend yourself either, or politely decline any advances from others who prey on vulnerable victims. So if you're lucky enough to have a Dom there to hold you, and keep you safe while you're flying, well, that's awesome.
One time, at camp, Pete had me all tied down on a table, blindfolded, with ear plugs...(sensory deprivation)....and he played with me, for about a half hour....but then somebody else walked in and he left me laying there....for a long period of time....and I started to feel freezing cold and began to cry hysterically. He came back to me, after talking with that other person for more than 15 minutes, and he was shocked to find me balling my eyes out. He felt awful, and I was very aloof and upset for quite some time. You NEVER leave your play toys laying around by themselves like that, where anybody could just walk up and do anything to you if they so desired...(sure, it's not exactly "scene etiquette" to do that, but newbies have no friggin' clue and they try to show off and "be cool" to their newbie friends, so anything could happen).
It is goddamned TERRIFYING to be laying there naked, tied up, without being able to see or hear...I think I had a ball gag in my mouth nobody could see or hear ME crying and shivering, my subspace flying moment long-since dead and gone, it died a very early death that night, and it was highly upsetting. After Pete walked me back to our cabin and apologized over and over, he tucked me into bed and then went BACK to play with that other chick. SIGH. Yeah, it didn't make me feel any better, but he had arranged a play date with her, and when she arrived early, he went over to talk to her and left me laying there like that. He swore he would never do that to me again. I told him I'd make sure of that.
But, back to the evening's festivities at the dungeon...
We walked around watching others play, and there was one guy there that we recognized from other dungeons that we had been to, who was doing FIRE, if you've never seen this before, it is mesmerizing, enticing, and very very cool. Glass "cups" are placed on a person's naked skin AFTER fire is rubbed all around and inside it, and on the skin you trap the heat inside it, and it forms a huge suction----that stays as long as you want it to stay. It can be somewhat painful, sure, if that is what you need. But, for most, it is kind of like going to a spa, and it can be so relaxing, you fall asleep. I mean, think about it, if you have large, warm ROCKS placed on your back, it's the same idea. The heat is trapped under the rock, which then soaks into your skin, and relaxes the muscles. Right??
I will let you in on a huge secret.....don't tell anybody of the biggest mind-fucks in the whole WORLD (besides religion), is BDSM. Ya know why? Because NOTHING that involves BDSM stuff is truly horrifying, dangerous or mutilating and sick, like they all want you to believe it is. (Bernie, however, is the exception to the rule). Seriously, Stephen, if BDSM were THAT horrifying and scary, nobody would ever bother to DO it. Shit, even Bettie friggin' PAGE had no clue what she was doing, all she wanted was a paycheck, so she wore fetish stuff and held crops and whips and rope to have her pictures taken, but she never knew anything about WHY or what the point of it all really WAS. And yet, millions of kinky people bought those pictures and magazines, and she became the pin-up girl for kink....despite her lack of knowledge and understanding.
But of course, BDSM has to be done safely, sanely and consensually above all else. That is the number one rule. You take precautions. You plan ahead. You attend classes that teach you the right way and the wrong way of doing certain things. You practice. It's like any other "hobby" that you might have. You just need to know the rules. Who makes up these rules? Well, nobody really, it's mostly just COMMON SENSE. If you've taken a good look around this crazy world of ours, though, you'll probably agree with me that "common sense" really is NOT so "common" anymore. So, it has to be taught, and re-taught, and stressed repeatedly to the newbies who join, to make sure nobody gets hurt. I mean, sure, they get HURT, but it's temporary, and it leads to's not a permanent hurt.
And, despite what most vanilla people might think, BDSM is NOT a mental illness either. My two closest friends, in fact, just this past summer, both talked with me about their concern that I might be going a little whacky in the brain because I told them of my involvement and of my enjoyment of this stuff. They were attempting some kind of impromptu "intervention."
"That's just not RIGHT," they said, "there has to be some damaging psychological issue going on when you do that stuff....maybe you need therapy or something, maybe you should seek some professional counseling." I smiled sadly, and though I know they meant well, and yes, on some level, I appreciated their concern, but really the whole thing made me feel rather "put off" (slightly offended too), that they would think of me as mentally unstable. If there is one thing I am NOT, it's mentally unstable. I'm a little weird, sure, aren't we all. But, eventually as I attempted to explain things to them about this whole lifestyle choice, they realized how wrong they were about me and it confused them all to hell... "Beck, you're actually the most sane person I have ever known..." they later admitted. I smiled and said, "Nah, I'm really just a crazy bitch." HA!!! I love messing with people like that. Confused the shit out of 'em. They STILL don't know what to think about me, really. They just nod and smile, and trust that I'm NOT off my bean completely. "Well, um, okay, just stay safe when you do that weird shit," is how the conversation ended. One of those friends wouldn't allow me around her kids for months after that. I might "corrupt" them in some way. I was "tainted," somehow, "damaged goods," and who knows, that might lead to PEDOPHILIA!!! (groan).
It's really really difficult to explain BDSM to vanilla people. They really just do not get it, nor do they seem to WANT to understand it, because it scares them so much. It only scares them because they notice deep down that they LIKE WHAT THEY ARE BEING TOLD about it. They get some kind of primal and/or sadistic enjoyment from hearing stories like this, that totally freaks them the hell out because where the hell did THAT carnal lustful urge come from, and suddenly it's a bad, bad thing that they should NOT understand because if the did, they might WANT TO TRY IT THEMSELVES, and God forbid that should ever happen. They MUST remain repressed, it's what their religion tells them to do. It's what their parents taught them. It's what society taught them in their little cocoon growing up. It HAS to be bad if it makes you FEEL GOOD, right??
Yeah, I've been around that block many times in my 13 years of being a submissive in BDSM. It is a no-win situation, so you simply have to "agree to disagree" about it, and try to salvage the friendship as best you can, without mentioning it ever again. It's like you sadly have to censor yourself around your closest friends who have known you forever. And, that is the hardest thing about being involved in this shit.
If they only knew that it's real EASY to learn things about this lifestyle, to research web sites, and read books about it, to gain a better understanding of the why's and wherefore's and how's. If they only realized that it's easy to take classes, to practice, to know YOURSELF and your likes and dislikes, your limitations and your adventure level...things you might WANT to try, but never have, things you're open to trying, or things you'd never try in a million years. That stuff is actually the EASY part.
"It's not the love, it's just the RAIN..." right?? It's not the surface stuff of your life and/or relationship that is hard, it's all the deep down nitty-gritty details, consequences, and circumstances that go with it, that really sucks. I totally GET that song. I have LIVED that song for a long long time.
Anyway, so Pete finds a nice spanking bench, I get mostly undressed except for my bra, corset and panties, and he bends me over to start spanking and flogging and caning me. I wear my favorite blind fold, and I float away for awhile...then he sits me down in a chair, wraps me in a warm blanket, and gives me water to drink. I keep the blindfold on for awhile, just to keep flying a bit....and then eventually I land, and come out of subspace. But, when I do, I'm sort of drunk. In a very fun way. One man walked over to Pete and said, "My goodness, she has a great ass." I laughed and said, "And guess what else? I actually have a FACE too! HAHAHAHA!!" (I thought that was hysterical).
Well, Pete wants me to come give him some nooky, so I'll continue writing a little later.
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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