Hello Stephen,
I just read the new article that appeared in the recent volume of Ultimate Classic Rock magazine that has you in it. I REALLY LIKED IT!! Here it is, in case you haven't had the chance to read it yet...
As I read through this, I kept thinking, "Wow, he and I really have a lot of things in common." So, I thought I would take a moment to list some of those things.
First, here is a quote by Pearl S. Buck, whose birthday is today...
“The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive.
To him...
a touch is a blow,
a sound is a noise,
a misfortune is a tragedy,
a joy is an ecstasy,
a friend is a lover,
a lover is a god,
and failure is death.
Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create - - - so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning, his very breath is cut off from him. He must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown, inward urgency he is not really alive unless he is creating.”
~ Pearl S. Buck
She sums it up very well, I think....I know for SURE that I am one of those Highly Sensitive People, and I would venture to surmise that YOU are as well, just based on the 30+ years I have "known" you. So, that's the first thing we have in common. We both love to create things. Or should I re-word that....we both HAVE TO create things. Otherwise, we tend to shrivel up and die a little bit inside. AmIrite?! I just spray-painted all of my white wicker furniture on my porch yesterday and today...it is all now a very summery green apple color. LOVE IT! Everything on my porch is either orange, yellow, or lime green. I love citrus colors for a porch, and I love to CREATE interior designs and various themed decor in every room. That's why I'm studying interior design right now.
HA!! I've seen this on the internet with Lucy and Charlie Brown, but this one is funny too.
Next thing we have in common...
You mention in this article (and in many other past articles), that you're from a farm town, though I think this might be the first time I've ever heard you say you're a "country boy." I've never thought of you as a country boy before, not really. It's cool that you think of yourself as one though. I'm a country girl myself. I'm from a farm town too, when I was born we had pigs, a cow, a horse and several chickens. My pony (Barney) stepped on my left hand when I reached down to pick some grass to feed him, (when I was 5), and that's when I no longer liked to be around big animals. Scared the bejeezus outta me. But I have ridden horses most of my life, (got back on a horse in my teens), and yes, I've been with friends who have tipped over cows.
Third thing....
We are both musicians. I have played the flute and piccolo since the 5th grade, and I still play it on occasion. I've played in several bands over the years. I've played for weddings and other events too. My favorite was when I had the piccolo solo on the 4th of July for "Stars and Stripes." I kicked it outta the stratosphere, dude. Got a standing ovation too! Talk about the most awesome feeling EVER. No, I've never been in a venue with a million fans screaming at me, nor have I traveled the world being a sexy rock star like you have. But, in my little world, I was a pretty good flutist, and that was enough.
When I listen to various music that moves me, I usually close my eyes so I can FEEL it too. Do you do that too, I wonder? I'm sure lots of people do. It's the only way to really feel it. I'm listening to Rob Zombie right now, "Living Dead Girl." Did I tell you I've met him in person? Yeah, I said, "Mr. Zombie, my friend, you are a sexy beast." He tipped his hat and said, "Thank you Ma'am." My eyes bugged out and I spat, "MA'AM?! WHAT THE HELL?!" and he chuckled. I smacked him on the arm and said, "Old enough to handle YOU, thankyouverymuch, ya young PUNK!" He chuckled again and then we had our picture taken together. No matter how I close my eyes, though, some of his lyrics are unintelligible. But it's so badass COOL, I really don't care.
Fourth thing....
We have both met lots of famous people over the years. I shook hands with Muhammad Ali, and Steven Spielberg (which nearly cost me my job), I've spent a day with Gene Hackman. I have met Connie Stevens, Jack Klugman, David Arquette, and Fabio. That was during my time at the Museum. Miep Gies was my personal friend for 15 years before she died, and I'm still friends with Cor Suijk. Since then I have met 3 of the Brady Bunch kids, (Peter, Bobby and Cindy), I've met the characters of Will and Holly from "Land of the Lost," Johnny Whittaker, Adam West, Lindsay Wagner, some chick from Babylon 5, Marvin Hamlisch, I'm friends on Facebook with George Takei, Kevin Chalfant, and Will Wheaton. Kevin's sister Melva was my close friend for 15 years before she died. I've met Gregg Rollie too, and every member of Journey over the years, and YOU, dear Sir, I have met in person TWICE so far.
Three's a charm you know.
Let's see....fifth thing....
We both like to eat sushi. I know you're more vegetarian than I am. But, we both like some of the same food. When I met you the 2nd time, you were wearing a pink sweater, eating french fries, and drinking a Coke. I drink diet Coke sometimes, but not very often anymore. I drink mostly water with Crystal Light in it, real fruit, or just plain with ice. Yesterday I had Crystal Light iced tea all day long, and I woke up with this awful caffeine hangover this morning. Bleah. I'm uber-sensitive to caffeine. I don't know if you are as well, but we do enjoy eating some of the same foods.
6th thing...
We both love long hair, both on men and women. Mine, however, never grows very long. I've got baby-fine hair, unfortunately. When it grows longer, it gets all stringy looking, and lifeless. I wish I had thick hair like you do. But I love it when you grow it long. I would love to play with it, braid it, put barrettes in it, etc., actually, like I used to do with my sisters. Yeah, well, I'm weird. What can I say?! I'd even paint your fingernails and toenails if you'd let me!! hehehehehehe
Which brings us to the whole "androgynous" thing you mentioned in the article. You showed up in my life when I was 10 years old. It was 1978. Those rock groups you mention in the article were super popular at that time, and I liked them all. I absolutely ADORED Elvis, and John Lennon. You and all the 1980's "big hair bands" had very long hair, and wore things that most men wouldn't. I loved it. I thought that was very cool, actually. You got me into a lot of heated arguments with my dad, who called long-haired guys "hippies," or "girly men." But you also contributed to many of my first wet dreams, thinking about all that hair of yours surrounding my thighs. So, it all worked out fine! GRIN!
7th thing....
You have been friends with Lora Beard for a long time, and she and I have corresponded a lot over the years too, and we have met each other. I've met Cynthia Poon too. They are great! I am friends with them both on Facebook as well. I may not be as personally close as you have been with them, but I enjoy knowing them because they fiercely protect and respect YOU. And that is awesome in my book.
8th thing....
I have been to the Griffith Observatory too. You mentioned that in the article. I loved that place. I've only been there once, but it filled me with an overwhelming sense that I'm just a speck of dust on this earth, so many other things are so much bigger than we are. Kinda puts things into a different perspective, which most people really need, if you ask me. I've always liked going to planetariums too.
9th thing....
You and I both love museums. HA!! On THIS one, my friend, I WIN!! And I win because I have worked at several museums in my lifetime! So there. I can take you through every Smithsonian Museum if you like, I would love that...and the Newseum is awesome...but there's one I haven't been to yet, it's the new Spy Museum in DC. I've heard it's pretty fun. We should totally go there someday. I would love to take you through the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh too. Of course, if you ever want to go through the Holocaust Museum in DC, I know it like the back of my hand. I would love to be your personal tour guide. That place is my home in my heart, you know what I mean?
10th thing....
We're very introverted, introspective, serious-minded (most of the time), and we are somewhat anti-social. They kind of go hand-in-hand. I have kept a journal all my life, since the age of 10, because of Anne Frank. Today is the day that her diary was first published in 1947. I re-read it once every year. She has always been my biggest inspiration, my hero, I totally identified with her when I first read it. She changed my life. I think it's time to re-read it again. I love to read. Not sure if you do though.
11th thing....
We also like badass cool stuff. I think maybe I "win" in this subject too....considering all the fun things I've shared with you about my annual trip to Camp!! Some people go there and get lifted up off the ground with hooks through their backs....yeah, I've got pictures to prove it....but, that's a bit TOO MUCH badass cool for me. A little too extreme. Hell, I even shared a bit of my nakedness here, (what do I care, this is me, take it or leave it). I'm not here to impress anybody, but the photo was HILARIOUS, I just wanted to make you giggle. I do weird stuff like that sometimes, life is too short NOT to do weird things, ya know?! Gotta have fun man. I can be super serious, or super goofy.
12th thing....
We LOVE old movies, you and me. I can envision you and your lady in red, sitting under a blanket, munching on popcorn, watching Turner Classic Movies in the dark. I do that with Pete sometimes, but he's not much into old movies, unfortunately. He loves old TV shows though. Mostly I do that by myself, or with my dog. I love Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Stewart, Claudette Colbert, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, Claude Rains, Errol Flynn, Henry Fonda, Gregory Peck, Buelah Bondi, Judy Garland, and so many others I can't even think of right now. Maybe someday WHEN (not IF) we meet again, we could sit and share a movie like that.
13th thing....
You mentioned being somewhat controlling in this article too....well....lemme tell ya something, out of all those words printed on that page, THAT is what got my attention the most. I have always ALWAYS thought of you as a Dominant personality, someone who takes charge, who is a perfectionist, and that----ohhhhhh yessssss----THAT is what I love about you the most. You don't let anybody stand in your way. You don't play around with stuff that you're passionate about, you kick it into high gear, and DO IT. A submissive female like me absolutely craves and LOVES a man like that. Adores him, actually. If you were in the BDSM scene like I am, I would want to be collared by you as my Dom. Seriously. Now, I think probably you're NOT into that kinky stuff, I actually suspect that you're more conservative and vanilla than I ever will be...however, the whole thought of you being "controlling" just turns me on like you wouldn't believe!! ROWR!! God Bless You Sir.
Ah well, I could go on with more, but those are the things that I have been thinking about today.
Seems to me we would have a blast if you ever came over to visit. I'd make SURE of that.
Bye for now, my favorite wicked-Troubadour-wild-badass-controlling-sexy-beast, and thank you for the wonderful article. You always rock my world, even when there's no music at all.
Love, Rebecca
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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