Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

We're making a CAMP book!!

Hi Stephen,

I hope you had a nice weekend.  Is that album of yours DONE YET?!  COME ON!! HURRY UP WILL YA!!! WE'RE ALL DYIN' OUT HERE!!  (No pressure)...hehehe

Ah well, Pete and I have decided to put all of our fun camp memories and photos into a book, just for the two of us, and we've been enjoying looking through them all this weekend.  I'll share a few with ya, if you think you can handle poor old geezer you...don't wanna give you a heart attack. WINK!!  I love to mess with you, Stephen, because on my blog, I CAN!! YES!!! I CAN!!! And you'll sit there reading every word of it!!  I think that's BRILLIANT, don't you?!! WOOOOO!!!

Captive audiences are sometimes the most fun!  (As you well know).  I'm sure YOU had some fun messing with people too, in concerts.  Come on, I KNOW YOU!! (well, let's just pretend I know you). I know you like to mess with people sometimes, it's a well known fact!  So, just admit it!  Silly man.

Speaking of captive audiences....this is me, at my BJ class.  I set up a table full of goodies, including the penis sleeves that my mom crocheted.  I had lots of things to fill them with also, and made signage too.

Here I am with the two blow up dolls for our parade float...the blue "sword" balloon worked well as an inflatable willy! Everybody had fun with these inflatable dolls, especially in the pool!

Speaking of the pool....we brought a dozen inflatable black sheep with us too! The funny part is, the two inflatable "people" had NO anatomical attributes whatsoever, but the SHEEP all had a round hole in the butt area...and I WOULD say "ewww" but that's a very bad pun, so I'll skip it!

And finally, I am risking a little bit of my nakedness here, but everybody around the pool was laughing so hard, it was so damned funny!  Yeah, we all had fun with these dolls!

Me, at the Victorian Tea Party...that's me in the pink dress with the mask on. It's all very posh, you know, with real china, real "maids" (at the head of the table in the center) who wait on us and pour the tea, and serve little cucumber sandwiches and petit fours.  I made a bunch of these little hats, the girl next to me (covering her face) is wearing one, and a few others are as well.  I let them all keep 'em.

The guy sitting across from me, (the ONLY male who attended), is awesome.  He and his wife (sitting next to him) and Pete and I hooked up and played together.  We all had a very fun time!

Well, there ya go. More photos from camp.  Can you see just how much FUN it is?! You really should consider going, I think you'd have a blast.  Of course, you'd have to hang out with ME, though, and I don't know if you could handle that...!!  GRIN!!

Hope you have a nice Monday, and I'll write again soon.  I can't wait to see this book when it's all finished!  Pete's going to get it done later this evening so it can be published!

Oh, and in other news, over the weekend I was flipping through the t.v. channels and found a channel called "Halogen," (never heard of it before), where we recorded a concert with David Gilmore.  Very cool.  But then the following day, I saw this show called "Jump Shipp," with a guy named Joshua Shipp.  I had never heard of him before, never saw the show before, nothing!  He apparently is a well known motivational speaker for teens and college-aged people who are trying to find their true niche in life.  He helps them take a risk to do what they love, rather than stay stuck doing something they loathe.  It's really quite impressive, so I wrote to the guy on Facebook and said that I admired what he is doing.  I added that I'm 44 but I want to do something similar, (speak to K-12 classes about the Holocaust), but I just don't know how to make it happen. 

Within less than 4 hours, he WROTE BACK TO ME, which blew me away.  He said, "Let's do it!" and sent me a link to his Youth Speaker University program, and I think I'm going to go for it.  
I have nothing to lose!

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca 

1 comment:

  1. This all SO weird but curiously fun. I came across this googling "inflatable doll in an inflatable pool" but couldn't find an image, and I thought this was Steve Perry's site who I had to look up to see who he was.. Came back and found that instead this was a stranger blogging at him. I was thinking about getting a little inflatable pool and had the thought it would be funny maybe to have an inflatable doll in it and thought "Somebody's done that" and had to check. Oh, and hi Steve.
