Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy TGIF to you....

Hi Steve,

I'm off to Washington DC later this afternoon with Pete to attend a play at our favorite club.  The play is all about the Marquee de Sade, which should be pretty cool.  He was a badass when it came to sex!! And you KNOW how much I love the badass.  And sex.  We will hob nob with some of our friends from camp too, who will be there.  Should be a really nice evening.

Anyway, we're staying overnight in a hotel there and then driving back on Saturday afternoon.  Pete wants to then head up to Cleveland to attend a party there, but I don't think I'm going to feel up to it. I'm finally in the last stage of bronchitis, the steroids are making me have this dry cough but I feel much much better so I'm not complaining. I just know I'll be tired out from the DC trip.  It's not just 4.5 hours in a car, (with Pete who is a very aggressive road raging driver and keeps me a nervous wreck the whole time), but it's also emotionally draining because of all the memories I have of living in DC.

But here is a short snippet of the Turtles, when they first came out on was hilarious...they were dressed up in blonde wigs, and capes that had pictures of raw meat on them, with a video of Lady Gaga singing in the background...then they stop the music, rip off the wigs and capes, and yell, "What the HELL have they done to our MUSIC, man?!"  to which the audience went wild.....

Flo and Eddie are really funny, they crack jokes and make fun of being old, and have fun together. Gary Puckett, however, the poor guy----his voice was roached from having a cold.  He couldn't hit the higher notes, and sounded all scratchy and sore.  They have toured 42 cities and "are all very tired," they said, (at the end of the concert they all joined each other on stage to sing a medley).

Mickey Dolenz was pretty good, he talked about how much he misses Davey Jones and how they were such close friends and it was such a shock when he died, and then he dedicated a couple songs to him and played clips of Davey Jones on the screen behind them.

The Buckinghams were really good, and the Grass Roots were okay too, so all in all, it was a pretty fun evening singing to all the classic rock hits that we love.

I haven't heard how the Journey performance went last night at the Republican National Convention, but I'm sure they're laughing their silly politically ignorant butts all the way to the bank.  The radio announcer goofed when he talked about it, though, which cracked me up..."it's been reported that they were paid $500 HUNDRED each, which is a pretty nice number if you ask me."  hehehehehe  I yelled at the radio, "HALF A MILLION DOLLARS YA BONEHEADED DJ!"  But I don't think he heard me.  At least they avoided being swept away by a hurricane.  Somehow, though, I still think karma is coming to get's just a matter of time.  I hope YOU get a nice chunka change outta that too.

Anyway, I have more video clips of the concert, but I'll have to add them here on Sunday.

Have a great weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't do, and try to stay outta trouble!!

Love you....xoxo


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