Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A better day...and the GIANTS WON!!!

Hiya Stevie-my-ferocious-Giants fan,

Yes, I watched the game last night.  That "Panda" guy rocks!  Ranks right up there with BABE RUTH!! How cool is that?!  And the pitcher, what a cutie.  Though, I think he was getting hair gel from slicking down his hair deliberately onto the BALL to make it slippery....I mean, come on, did you SEE the SPIN on that thing, at 90 miles an hour???  Nobody could HIT the stupid thing and make it go forward...just kept getting foul balls....something fishy going on there.

Oh Stephen, do you have ANY CLUE just how many women sit and watch those games, just in hopes of getting a glimpse of YOU there?  Seriously.  While scrolling through all the Facebook posts about you being there, I watched it too---ONLY because here in the wilderness of Georgia, there are 5 tv channels, and 4 of them sucked.  So, I hereby admit in all honesty that this was the very FIRST time I've sat through a Giants game, EVER. Now, just so you have a better understanding of the Pittsburgh Pirates, pretend that your Giants were actually DETROIT...and you will feel our pain.  (Sigh).  But the stadium is cool at least.  The food is good too.

I was struck by something that has flashed through my mind several times before when I saw photos of you at those games, and that is, you look rather lost, sitting there all by yourself....all alone like that....I mean, where the hell is your girlfriend?? Can't she sacrifice one evening to spend sitting with you at a baseball game??  I am a little bit annoyed by that.  If a woman can't be there with her man to enjoy something that means a lot to him, (even if she's not a big fan herself), then frankly, she does not deserve to be with that man.  The only slack I will cut her on this, is if you told her you PREFER to go alone.  I realize you've been a loner most of your life, I can totally relate to that, (I am too), but it just seems to me that with all these games you've been to, she might have tried just ONCE to go along.

Ah well, just my 2 cents for what its worth.

Tomorrow Pete and I are done with this BFE wilderness in Whitesburg Georgia, and we are flying back to civilization (Pittsburgh).  Then on Saturday we're getting into the car and driving to Washington DC for our kink club's Halloween party.  I finally get to wear my homemade mermaid costume!  Pete is going as a the Gorton Fisherman....complete with a bright yellow rain coat, and hat, beard, and fishing pole (with an empty box of fish sticks on the hook)!!  Should be fun.  It's always nice to see the people we consider our second family.

I didn't really get much of a chance to sit down and discuss the whole submissive thing a few posts ago, but if I ever decided to stalk you at a Giants game, and show up next to you, all I would do is slide my hand into yours, silently, and stand beside you, watching the game.  I'd even wave a "Rally Rag."  Now, WHAT THE HELL IS UP with THAT?!  You guys STOLE this idea from US!!! The Pittsburgh Steelers has had the TERRIBLE TOWEL, forever!!!  Frankly you guys should just buy a foam finger or an orange afro wig and STOP USING THE's copyright infringement!!!  Gonna have to smack you up.  So, as I was saying, I would slide my hand into yours, silently, and stand beside you, watching the game....and when you'd least expect it, I'd reach over and rip the orange RAG out of your hand, and towel slap you on the ass with it.  Just because I could.  :)  Hehehehehehehe!!!!

When I wrote that you looked a little sad and alone, somebody else said you're ornery and doing just fine, because you CHOOSE to be alone.  Well, believe me, ornery is GREAT, it's my favorite personality trait actually, so more power to ya!!  But, even if you CHOOSE to be alone, there is a deep down urge within that whispers, "I wish I wasn't."  And I can see that whisper on your face sometimes.

You're a good man, Stephen.  You have a good heart.  You might be an evil SOB, but I just call that "ornery."  GRIN!  You deserve to be happy, and feel complete knowing someone is there for you, always.  I wish you could have that with someone special, I really do.  But, until then, I guess you're just stuck with ME, and all my charms. MMMMuuuuhahahahahaha!!!! You lucky slob.

Did you know that Southern people eat like crap?  Yes, yes they do.  Every morning, grits and biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs and sausage and bacon...this HUGE breakfast, with oatmeal and yogurt with granola, and fruit....good GAWD I have never seen people EAT like that EVERY DAY before. I'd be a friggin' HOUSE if I lived here and ate that way all the time.  I'm sure I've gained 20 pounds this week alone.  Not only do they have carbs all over the place, (corn at every meal too), but they DEEP FRY stuff in PORK GREASE...stuff you wouldn't normally think of ADDING pork grease to, like green beans.  I mean, they are YUMMY, but wow, that's clogging my damned arteries too much.  And DESSERTs----holy BALLS----they've had peacan pie, blondies, pumpkin cheesecake, custard filled pastry, pound cake with chocolate sauce, etc....-----and I have a damned sweet tooth like crazy.

Oh!! Speaking of balls...

Stephen Colbert stated today that he would pay Donald Trump $1 million dollars from his Super PAC, if the Donald would allow him to dip his balls into his mouth!!!!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  I laughed all morning about that one.  Good LORD that man is funny.  And the Donald is a dim bulb. An ignoramus.  A total butt-hurt moron.  I cannot BELIEVE the AUDACITY of demanding anything from a president like that, insinuating that he's "hiding" stuff, and then BRIBING him with $5 million dollars to a favorite charity?!  Unbelievable how stupid this dude is.  Does he REALLY THINK Obama would even acknowledge him, or give him the time of day?  He sliced Donald's jugular with his official birth certificate once already!   Talk about an attention whore.  The Donald is now skewered and satirized all over Twitter and Facebook, he just made HIMSELF look like a colossal ASS.  What a stooge.  What a nimrod.  What a maroon.

And then, THEN, this Richard Mourdock idiot says he's "sorry" about the pregnancy rape thing, (with what HE feels was an apology for what he said---- but really wasn't an apology at all). I am really starting to burst my own seams out, feeling totally IRATE at these men who are targeting women's rights.   I'm sure you figured that out from my angry rant yesterday.  How DARE this man say such things, it's absurd, totally uncalled for, and massively inappropriate.  I never hated this country more than I do today, to be honest with you.  I hate the "good ole boys club" bullshit, patting each other on the back for being a sexist pig, treating women like crap, and then congratulating each other for being a bigger douche bag than the next guy.  It's just pathetic, and it makes me feel furious.

All I know is, karma is a bitch.  And it WILL get them all eventually.  I hope it's sooner than later.

Well, I could go take another walk in the woods, OR I could take a nice little nap and THEN go for a walk in the woods.  I will upload some pictures here for you when we get back to Pittsburgh.  They really turned out nice.  Very pretty scenery all around me, but wow, I'm ready to go home.  A week in the middle of nowhere is more than I can deal with.  Pete wants to take me to Burning Man at some point, but I have the feeling I'd have fun there, so who knows.

Ok go have fun celebrating your team's win, and I'll console all my Michigan pals.

Love you lots....xoxox

Rebecca    ps. Saw a picture of you biting your fingernails at the game, too.....stop that!! Bad habit!!

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