Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

A very small world indeed....

Hi Steve,

You know, when it comes to you, my life has been full of quirky weird flukes.  Meeting you twice was a fluke, most definitely.

So here I am, spending a week in the wilderness in Whitesburg Georgia, watching people who THINK a helmet will protect them on a zip line that is 5 stories tall...(delusional humans)....and I would have NEVER expected a conversation such as this to occur....

So last night, this guy in Pete's class commented on my Steve Perry t-shirt that I was wearing. He said, "Oh yeah, I'm from LA, and I remember that day when he got his star on the Walk of Fame."  I perked up and asked if he was there, and he said no, that he was a couple blocks away at the time.  But then he says, "But a friend of mine rented out an apartment to him once."

I didn't ask any further info about it, except for the guy's name.  That friend's name is Steve Mann, a sound editor for the motion picture industry.  So if you see this guy, tell him Patrick says hello.  At first he said, "Steve Nelson," but then he corrected himself with Steve Mann, saying that Nelson couldn't run an apartment building to save his life.

But SERIOUSLY, how freaky is that?!  I don't know WHY you rented it, or WHEN, but that's the only info I felt was safe enough to ask about it.  If I hadn't asked, though, I would have never known such a thing. But what are the ODDS of meeting ONE person from Los Angeles, who knows somebody who rented an apartment out to YOU once???

WEIRD.  It's kinda like that Kevin Bacon thing. Super small world, huh???

Anyway, I have been sitting here every day with this Patrick guy, and never thought to ask him anything about LA, but when he saw my t-shirt with you on the front of it, he just suddenly started gabbing about it out of nowhere.

You constantly bring people together like that, without even realizing it, isn't that bizarre??

He asked "who really goes to see Journey anymore, I mean really?" So Pete and I had to tell him about Arnel Pineda's rags to riches story, and all the touring they've been doing, and about Neal's alimony payments, etc., and about the younger kids who are just starting to discover them too. He was pretty blown away by that.  He had no idea about any of it.

Well, I'm off to pack up everything, (my butt is rather warm from our little play session last night, I got some caning, which I really love...and some rope too...yayyy)....but we are leaving this wilderness of Georgia later this afternoon to go sit at the airport for 4 hours waiting for our flight to Pittsburgh.

THEN we get to drive from the airport to the nearest Walmart so that Pete can buy a blue turtleneck to wear under the yellow rain coat so that he can be the Gorton's Fisherman for a Halloween party that we are going to tomorrow night in Washington DC.  I get to go home, crash, and then RE-pack another bag, get my costume all ready to go, and turn around the next morning and hit the road again.

Sheesh, I don't know how the HELL you did this kind of stuff for so long, I really don't.

I have a much better understanding of the craziness that you left behind when you left Journey.

And, a much deeper respect.

On that note, I will bid thee a fond adieu....I probably wont' get a chance to write again until Sunday night, UNLESS the hurricane Sandy comes to swallow us up while we're in DC.  If it does, it's been very nice knowing you my friend.   Love you so much it hurts sometimes.

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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