Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's all a blur....

Hi Steve,

Yes, I am home safe in Pittsburgh finally, but the previous few weeks have been a total blur in my head so I cannot yet formulate any coherent communication about it at this point, I am so totally FRIED.

So, I am off to bed, but I just wanted to say congrats to your Giants for winning again, and did you see the Steelers game today? They were wearing these "throwback" uniforms, they were ridiculous looking, (like honey bees), but they won the game.  Did you see all the Terrible Towels?!  Yeahhhh, tell me again about how "original" your "rally rags" are?!! hehehe  NOT!!

The Hurricane Sandy mess is on its way, Pittsburgh is super grey and gloomy and FOGGY like crazy, with sprinkling rain and cold temperatures so far.  Washington DC area is completely closed tomorrow, the federal government is closed, the museums are closed, all the schools in the area, everything.  So you KNOW it's gotta be pretty bad...(that is RARE to have everything close in DC).

FACETIOUS ME:  (Cause you KNOW some self-righteous butthead is gonna come out and say this soon)........."Maybe this is God's way of telling everybody to...." (Fill in the opportunistic blank).  I'll just say ...."play NICE in politics from now on. Otherwise everybody will be wiped off the planet in one big, gigantic FLUSH."

Hopefully people you know and love will be safe through this storm, and I've invited anyone on Facebook that knows us, who might need a safe haven, to come stay with Pete and I until it's all over.

THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO MISTER!!!  Please come crash here if you are unable to travel anywhere, like, maybe if you traveled to Detroit to see the Giants today or yesterday, COME STAY WITH US FOR A COUPLE DAYS, and then GO BACK TO THE WEST COAST ASAP and stay OUT of this nasty storm...if you can.  Just be safe, wherever you are, ok?  I really worry about you.

Love you lots. Bye for now.  (Pete dropped me off at home earlier and then he drove a half hour north to see The Tubes performing at a local club....he's insane).  I just wanted to go HOME.  Think I'm gonna crash for about a WEEK, actually, I'm so damned tired.

But I will add some photos for you tomorrow, in between naps!!

Love always,


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