Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy is upon us...

Hi Stephen,

It is raining like mad outside right now, and the wind is fierce.  That's about all we have had so far in Pittsburgh, but we've been watching the Weather Channel all evening and WOW what a mess!!  Our power did go out for about 5 minutes, but it's been on since then.  But 4 MILLION people are without power, and there's no telling how long they will have to wait to have it restored.  Unbelievable.

My old stomping ground, Fairfax VA, is now totally evacuated...Ocean City Maryland, where I used to go every spring with my friend Barbara, is completely under water.  All of DC is closed down.  Wall Street is closed.  This is really horrible...and 10 people have died so far because of this storm.  So sad...

I spent my day annoyed at my mother, annoyed at our friend Simon who is currently living with us while going through a divorce, because neither one of them bothered to clean this house ONE BIT while I was gone, and frankly that pisses me off.  I should NOT have to be the ONLY human being in this house that cleans up everybody ELSE'S mess all the damned time.  As a matter of fact, the annoyance towards my mother came after I had specifically asked her to come help me clean, and she said "Naw."  THEN she had the AUDACITY to text me, "I need to go to the hospital to have my blood drawn for the doctor."  GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

I told Pete when he got home from work that I think we need to ship my mom to England sooner than February.  I want our basement back.  I WANT TO LIVE IN A HOUSE THAT IS ALL TO OURSELVES FOR ONCE IN OUR 4 YEARS OF BEING TOGETHER.  I'm so SICK and TIRED of having other people around, who annoy the hell out of me.  Simon told me that he's "not very good at cleaning," but my mother informed me when we returned the other day that he had told HER that "he doesn't like living in a house with so much clutter everywhere." GRRRRRRR!!!!!!


So, I spent my day cleaning....made a dent, but not completely done....laundry up the wazoo, the stupid cat seems to explode its fur all over the carpet AFTER I vacuum, PLUS his nickname is "Sir Puke's A Lot."  Then, there was grocery shopping, and throwing out old, icky food from our fridge that NOBODY ELSE BOTHERED TO DO while we were gone.  I cannot keep doing this.

I told Pete today, I am hiring a cleaning/maid service to come in twice a week.  I have had it.  This 3500 square foot house is TOO BIG for me to keep clean.  Whenever I get one room cleaned, the next one is trashed. When THAT room is done, the one I just cleaned is trashed again...and so on.  It's maddening, and I'm really hating this domestic bullshit.  I am just not cut out for this.  It's not my thing.

Anyway, other than an annoying day with these 2 people, (and Pete giving me a hard time because I want to move the workout equipment to be all in one spot, together, instead of spread all around the damned house), I'm ready to call this day DONE and go to bed.

If we still have power tomorrow, I'll write more, and add some photos too.  I'm sure you're still celebrating your Giants win, as you should, (Lions are licking their paws in sadness), so enjoy that and try to have a great week....don't worry about us East Coast people, we're kick-ass strong and cool, we'll make it through this damned hurricane nuisance.  (Well, at least I am kick-ass strong and cool)!!

If the storm gets to be too much-----West VA has nearly 2 feet of snow already, and we live about an hour away---then I may just have to hop on a plane and come stay with you awhile.  You wouldn't mind, would you?!  I don't eat much, I'll be quiet, I'll sleep on the couch, and although I will NOT wash your windows, I WILL wash your dishes.  Fair deal?!  Ok good.  I'm going to imagine that you nodded your head and smiled.

Love you lots...xoxo  Bye for now.


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