Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

East Coat, meet Sandy FUBAR...

Hi Steve,

Holy crap, have you been watching the Weather Channel?!  Every one of those people on that channel have massive boners because of this Hurricane Sandy mess.  Seriously.  It's like they're foaming at the mouth in morbid kinda creeps me out...but, it seemed like the best source to get information from while this storm slapped us all around.

Lemme tell ya, my Stephen, this storm really kicked us in the ass.  Now, we who live in Pittsburgh only got some rain and high wind, (I had to take down all of my Halloween decorations, sob sniff).  But we were lucky.  Our power did go out for about 30 seconds, but that was it.  I don't mind power outages too much, though, because when I was young and that would happen, my mom made a game of it for us, "Let's pretend that we're AMISH for a day..." and we'd talk about how strange (and boring) it would be not to have a radio, or cassette player, or t.v. or video games, etc., and it would make the time pass by quickly, so we weren't so scared anymore.  My mom has had some pretty brilliant moments.

Anyway, but they were focusing on Point Pleasant NJ for awhile, and that's where Pete spent most of his summers, at the shore house in Point Pleasant, with his parents.  It's now pretty much demolished with over 4 feet of SAND completely ruining the first floors of homes there.  The reporter was standing next to the top of a parking meter, which was only at his KNEE.  That's pretty friggin' savage man.

My friends in Fairfax Virginia all had to be evacuated too.  I haven't heard from them yet on Facebook, but I hope they're ok.  We have a friend in Manhattan, who was only ONE BLOCK AWAY from that building that lost one entire side of a wall---ripped it right off in the wind.  She's doing okay though, she is without power but she planned ahead for it and seems to be doing better than many New Yorkers are.  We are going to stay with her in a couple weeks, actually, to visit her.

But wow, what a colossal mess the East Coast is right now, and will be for quite a long time.  I know I'm not the only person wondering this, but how are all the displaced people without a home right now, who may have lost all their belongings, including maybe all their ID's, going to be able to VOTE next week?!   Sure, it's a week away but it's going to create a whole lotta mess on TOP of a whole lotta mess.  Nobody can go to a DMV to replace a lost drivers license that's no longer existing on the street it used to be on, ya know?  I wonder if that has any news worthiness, or if the timing would be considered a faux pas?  I'm sure Fox News has jumped all over it, no matter whether it's tacky or not. SNIFF.

Anyway, soooooo if you have some extra room at your place, let me know, and I'll be happy to come over and hang with ya for a few....years?......ok, ok, DAYS, jeez.  (rolling my eyeballs).  Yeah, I know, we weren't really too affected by this storm, and yeah, we are no longer in harm's way, (except maybe for some snow soon), but STILL, I'd like to crash at your place and make you pancakes.

Ok well, on that note, I'll write more tomorrow. (You LOVE pancakes, don'tcha Stevie)?! hehehehehe

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca

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