Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Hi Steve,

Someone named Sharon created this photo with you in it, on Facebook.  Rather clever, huh?  I like it.

We attended a Halloween party last weekend in DC.
Pete was the Gorton fisherman, and I was a mermaid...I made the costume myself.
I know, I know, how many mermaids really wear gloves with mirabou feathers?! 
(I was supposed to be an ELEGANT mermaid...)  

We won the prize for funniest costumed couple....and the reason was because of Pete's fishing pole.  It was a child's size fishing pole, and he put the very large VAGINAL HOOK on the end of it...and after he introduced himself by singing, "Trust the Gorton fisherman,"  
I said into the microphone, "And I am his moist catch of the day!" and everybody laughed.

I was covered in glitter all over my body, (that stuff gets EVERYWHERE), but it was fun.

After taking off the costume, I just put on a Halloween hat.......

The orange cyberlox hat actually lights up, and then I added the hat in the center over it.
I got a lotta compliments, wearing this around the club!
(There were 4 other mermaids too, and all were much skinnier than me).
So, I was a chubby fish-girl, what can I say?!  I like the hat better. 
And what ELSE would a person wear with such a hat, other than black lace?!
I mean seriously.

Hope you like the photos!  It's still raining here in Pittsburgh, I'm a soggy sleepy girl today.

Well, hope you have a great Halloween, and I'll write again soon.

Love you lots...go out and have some fun!!

Love, Rebecca

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