Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shit just got real. Time to fuck this guy up. Seriously.

Dear Senator Richard Mourdock of Indiana,

Since you and your family are all God-fearing, Bible-thumping Christians, and since you have recently stated that a pregnancy resulting from rape must be a blessing from God, I sincerely hope and pray to the Lord above that your WIFE, your MOTHER, your DAUGHTER, your NIECE, and your SISTER all get the wonderful experience of being raped in their lifetimes.

After all, your loving, church-going family members all must WANT that to happen, so that God can BLESS you all with those rape-induced children!  Of COURSE we ALL know you would treat that rape-induced child just as lovingly as you would any other child that God brings to you. There would be no resentment, or hatred involved whatsoever, nor would there be any daily reminder within that child of the pain and violence that they each endured during the rape itself. That just wouldn't happen, because God would not allow it.

So, I (and millions of women in the United States and beyond), would like to bestow a wonderful gift to you and your family, Senator Mourdock....I hereby decree that anyone out there, any aspiring beginner or experienced rapist---convicted or not----please, go find these wonderful Christian people in Indiana, the Richard Mourdock family, and violently rape every woman you can find.  They would be so blessed if you did, but even MORE blessed if you got them each pregnant.

May God bless you and your family with a dozen or more rape-induced pregnancies, and I hope you'll have a wonderful day knowing that so many of us women out here care enough to wish this upon you.



Can you tell I a just a WEENSIE bit angry?  Well, Stephen, THIS is the kind of bullshit that I'm gonna open cans of whoop-ass on, every time I hear it or see it happen.  I have had ENOUGH.

Don't these idiots realize that every time they open their pie-hole's and say such offensive shit about women's reproductive rights and rape, that they are simply adding insult to injury, and nothing more? They are re-raping those victims of rape who are still and always WILL be hurting inside from it, who will no longer be able to trust because of it, who will be psychologically and emotionally incapable of getting over such a violent act of cruelty.  What POSSIBLE GOOD can this DO for women???  What can these politicians POSSIBLY GET out of it, other than a sadistic and cruel ability to hurt women??

I am so steaming furious right now, I could spit nails.

So, I figured, since he likes the idea, let's all wish it upon his family to make it happen to THEM, and see just how THEY would like it.  Fight fire with fire.  If they want to be ignorant assholes, then the only language they seem to understand is fighting words from angry women, like the ones I have written above.  If that's the only thing these chauvenist pigs can understand, then so be it.

I think it's time to counteract this "war on women" with an even bigger war on MEN.

(Excluding YOU, of course).  YOU, I like.  I will allow you to stay safe within the confines of war.

Just don't piss me off and say something ignorant like this.  That's the only condition I will give.

I'm off to ride a zip line with's been nice knowin' ya.  If I don't live through it, well, I have enjoyed writing this blog to you and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your days in a peaceful world where men actually RESPECT women.  That is my dream.

Bye for now.

Love, Rebecca   ps. I may just watch the others ride the zip line. I'm rather freaked out by it.

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