Mmmm sexy...

Mmmm sexy...
The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BFE Georgia...

Hi Stephen,

How are you this chilly October morning?  I'm doing fine, just sitting inside the cabin in the middle of the woods in Whitesburg Georgia, wondering what the HELL I'm doing here.  I feel like I have been plunked down in the middle of a Little House on the Prairie episode.  I mean, I grew up in the country woods of Michigan, surrounded by farms, and rednecks.  But is like EXTREME BFE, truly in the middle of nowhere, with NOTHING around us but trees and bears and other big animals that scare the bejeezus outta me.

There is a larger building here, the main "hub," or HQ or whatever, where the meals are served. However, there are also DEAD STUFFED ANIMALS all over the place, with accusing dead eyes, watching every bite we take of that dead animal on our plates....ya know? Kinda freaks me out.  There's a dead skunk, squirrel, beaver, bear, turkey, lynx, cougar, and a baby fawn too.  That one saddens me the most, but they are ALL gross to look at, I get the creeps.  I don't mind going to a ZOO with LIVE animals once in awhile, (though the concern for me THEN is whether or not those animals are being treated well or not), but to see taxidermy animals all around the place where I'm EATING just kinda makes me feel kinda nauseous.  Do you KNOW how many GERMS get absorbed into their fur?!  How much DUST they collect?!  Ick ick ick.  Why anyone would DO that to an animal, I will never know.

I mean, sure, the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, I can see that.  I don't LIKE to see that, but I have been there many times.  But this place reminds me of a family owned general store in my childhood (which is still there), called "Punches." The owner of the store was an avid hunter, and apparently he also did taxidermy, so one whole huge aisle in the store had a conglomeration of dead stuffed animals staring at you as you made your way to the frozen foods.  I always HATED going down that aisle as a kid, it was scary, and of course the imagination goes wild, "what if that bear isn't really DEAD and breaks OUT of that glass case, and EATS US?!!"  (hey, I was s kid).

I swear last night, after we watched the debate on t.v., I heard this huge BUH-BOOM though a very large animal was trying to get IN to our cabin. Couldn't sleep a damned wink.  "What the HELL would we DO if a bear got in here?!" that was all I could think of.  Visions of my pushing Pete into the beast as I ran didn't help much either.  (giggle).  Noooo, I wouldn't do that.  I mean, I like rustic camping, don't get me wrong.  This is just a bit TOO rustic for me.

Yesterday, thankfully, my friend of many years (Travis) came to get me.  Here we are together....

He lives in Rome Georgia, which is about an hour away.  We took off around noon and I spent the day with him and his wife and kids.  I haven't seen Travis since 1998 when he came to Richmond VA for his job.  So it was very fun to get caught up and see his house and stuff, finally.  The boy has massively long hair, down past his butt.  He always has.  I have known him since I was 18 years old.  I had a crush on his friend Dave at the time, but the 4 of us (with my friend Laurie too) all hung out together, listening to Travis and Dave play guitars and a drum machine in the basement of Travis' mom's house.  We would all sit in the hot tub too, and drink wine coolers. There was never any nooky between Travis and I, we have always just been good friends.  He still calls me sweetheart, which I have always liked.  His wife, Lisa, is very nice.  She and I have a lot in common, we like to make crafts and do home decorating stuff.  Their kids are sweet, Alora, Jaden and Kelton.  So we had a nice time visiting.

Travis told me something, that I thought was rather intriguing.  He said, "My wife and I had the best sex EVER after she read your Facebook posts about what you've been doing at camp...." Apparently she likes to live vicariously through me, and told him that she wished she could be as free and open about sex as I am.  I thought that was really flattering, actually.  They especially liked hearing about the "Orgasmathon," that I participated in.  Pete laughed when I told him this and said, "They should have BEEN there, watching it happen---I mean, you remember Whitney---an absurdly over-the-top gay man, who came over afterwards and told me that you were sizzling HOT to watch? That's a pretty awesome compliment coming from a guy who gets virtually nothing from women."  I told Travis to tell her that "it's only kinky the first time!" and once she dives in and lets herself go---a leap of faith----it gets much easier to be more open and free about it.  I hate how society often times brainwashes women into thinking, "Gee, I'm a mom now, and mom's are supposed to be SEXLESS, UNSEXY, and BORING."  A lot of women stop having sex altogether after having kids, partially because of this inaccurate belief.  I think that's just sad. They had a dry spell after the last kid was born, but things are readjusting now, and he said that it's partially thanks to ME, encouraging her to loosen up a bit.

Travis has always been very musically inclined.  He has just recently discovered the new band "Fun," and we listened to that music for, talk about a mix of Freddie Mercury, Tracy Chapman, and some ELO all simultaneously mixed can definitely hear those influences in their music.  I asked him to copy it for Pete, I think he would really like it too.

Did you know that people in the country eat a LOT of fried chicken?  I mean, a LOT.  In fact, I just got back from breakfast and they served 2 pieces of fried chicken with the bacon, eggs, and grits, with biscuits on the side.  FRIED CHICKEN with BREAKFAST.  That's just crazy!!  I cannot EAT that way every damned day, that's just wayyy too much, and mostly carbs too....this place is NOT conducive to people with Diabetes at ALL.  So  I'm thinking yogurt, fruit and maybe a biscuit tomorrow.  I would be morbidly obese if I ate food like that every day....good God...I mean, I love the green beans, they taste just like my grandma's....when I asked Travis about them, and mentioned how good they were, he said, "Yeah, because they were cooked in PORK GREASE..."  I'm like, "Ewwwwwww."  But, wow it was good.  I just felt my arteries hardening as he said that.

There is a jet tub in the cabin, it was nice to soak in it the first night we got here.  What a long day that was.  The spanko party during the weekend in Pittsburgh was the lamest party EVER in the whole entire universe---worse than Mary Tyler Moore's parties---but I missed half of it anyway because silly stupid ME, I ordered and ate onion rings from Steak-N-Shake.  Apparently, they didn't like me.  I said to Pete, "if someone tried to spank me right now, they might get a nasty surprise right back at 'em." And honey, I don't know about YOU, but I don't DO scat play.  That's just friggin' NASTY.

Here's an interesting thing that I figured out yesterday as Travis was talkin' to me about how smoking pot has helped him in life.....not sure I agree with that.....but he swears by it, and as he talked, I thought to myself, "Hmmmm....I wonder if endorphin rushes work the same way, giving a person the munchies afterwards---maybe THAT is why there are so many obese people in the kink scene?"  Because wow, these spanko people were HUGE. And gross.  And there was NO WAY I would allow any of them to touch my ass.  No thanks.  I might sound horribly shallow, but if you don't get turned on at ALL by the person who's spanking you, there's no point in doing it at all.   At least, not for me.

There was one nice looking, younger guy with muscles and a hairy chest....mmm....who asked me if I would like to play...I said, "Sure..." and he said, "Ok, come find me later and we'll talk."  Well, then he disappeared with 2 other chicks and that was the last I saw of him.  Sigh.  I would have enjoyed that. Another guy, about Pete's age or so, is very nice.  He and I talked a bit, and I think he's interested in playing.  I was just too sick Saturday night to do anything but lay in bed and run to the bathroom now and then.  So I didn't venture out to the party at all.  But the guy (Michael) sent me a message on FetLife, expressing interest, so that's something I guess.  I can dig it.  The younger guy is also on FetLife so I might send him a message too.  The rest of the people in the room were just weird, or gross, and I really didn't feel comfortable.

I mean, we showed up to this "energy" workshop Saturday morning...and there were several people there who claimed they were into "Reiki," and "wicca," and bizarre stuff like that, so they are trying to get me to "feel my own energy," by rubbing my hands together really fast and then holding them close to someone else's hands, to feel the "ball of warm energy."  Then "toss that ball around a bit between you, and feel it exchange energy..." and all this stuff.  I had no friggin' clue what they were talkin' about, I just nodded and smiled, pretending to feel it.  I said, "I don't think I'm doing this right," and the guy who was holding his hands near mine said, "Are you kidding? You are OOZING energy all over the place..." (I just looked at him like, "ah...ok...whatever.')  But I didn't feel much of anything.  I asked if this whole thing was kinda like Tantra Sex, and they were all eagerly saying yes, and I just kinda rolled my eyeballs silently inside my head, like, "yeahhhh that's what I thought."  I mean, sure Tantra is cool, IF you can do it right, IF you have the right person to do it WITH, and IF the circumstances work out just perfectly.  But, that is rare.  So I'm sitting there rolling around an invisible ball of "energy" without touching anybody's hands, thinking, "This is so friggin' lame, I cannot believe it."

I don't mind if you're into Reiki or wicca, or any of those things....I really don't.  But you can't expect me to feel the same stuff, if I've never understood any of those things myself.  Ya know?  I mean, I know a mind fuck when I hear one, so that's what it felt like to me.  I tend to be rather skeptical about such things.  I can be hypnotized, sure, depending on the circumstances, but when it comes to closing my eyes and picturing a ball of energy leaving my body through my hands and fingers, I'm rather annoyed. Now, Tantric sex is definitely something I DO believe works well, and I would like to explore further, I just haven't had the opportunity with anybody yet.

Ah well, the people at this spanko party mostly sat around in one hotel suite, munching on food, drinking soda and water, and talking about politics or spanko parties they've been to, or just whatever non-spanking subject came up.  I said to them all, "I expected something totally different from this thing, like, the lights down low, maybe some candles, and some sexy slow spanking music or something...." but all I got back were blank stares.  There was no ATMOSPHERE, ya know? No real "mood" going on.  Just a room full of fat people sitting around doing nothing.  I was so bored.

I think Pete and I could put on a much better party, to be honest, so we're talking about it.  Now, having been into more extreme BDSM stuff for 14 years of my life, only to go to a spanking party, is rather like spending years bungee jumping off mountains, only to go with someone to a zip line.  It's like going from one extreme to the other, in the beginning stage.  It didn't feel very comfortable to me.  I need restraints, rope, bondage, etc., and/or just being over someone's knee being spanked with my hair being gripped in a fist, or a fist wrapped around my throat while it's happening, ya know?  I need that edge to go with it, or it's just kinda like going through the motions.

I was a demo bottom for someone at this thing, and this woman was spanking me to show how we "shared our balls of energy" together...I had no clue what she expected me to do, other than lay there, but that's the only "play" I had the whole weekend.  Now, Pete and I played together Friday night, before we fell asleep...a very very nice spanking session.  But, other than that, he just gave every woman in the place a massage, while I went shopping for the day on Saturday...I didn't want to sit around in a room full of people I wouldn't touch much less play with, nor could I sit around in my own hotel room because of the massages going on.  So, shopping works.

Well anyway, so the plane ride to Georgia was a bit bumpy and scary, but only 90 minutes long, so I managed to make it through. Then we had to sit in the airport for 3 hours, waiting for the shuttle bus to pick us up and take us to this wilderness.  I said to the driver, "So, can I just take the shuttle during the day to civilization, like a mall or something?"  He laughed and said, "Uhhh, there IS no daily shuttle and I won't be back until Friday to take you back to the airport."  So, here I sit, stuck in the woods, all by myself while Pete is attending his class, and YOU, dear Stephen, are my only company.

I've got Greatest Hits Live playing while I'm typing this...yayyy....I really enjoy that CD a lot.  I also love Captured, but I haven't got that one with me.  "Wheel in the Sky" is on now.  I love the improvised jamming in the middle of the song, just so cool...I also love how you did the Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' jam in the middle of it too.  "do ya do ya do ya do ya...." (Yes, as a matter of fact, I do).  Just in case you were wondering.  I do love ya.

Soooooo now I guess I could go lay back down, take a little snooze, or go shower, or go for a hike in the woods...though that idea kinda scares me to go by myself.  What if I run into a bear or something?! I know you're supposed to lie down and play dead, but I don't think I would be very convincing and I'd be torn to shreds anyway. Climbing a tree is the WRONG thing to do.  I know those rules, sure, but in a panic, who remembers that stuff?!!

Should I go ride a zip line? They have 40 of 'em around here.  The quiet, and the occasional bird singing is only interrupted by the sound of a long, ziiiiiiiiiiiiip sound now and then.  The people, curiously, aren't screaming their heads off like I would be.  I haven't seen any golden showers happening or any other bodily fluids flying as they go by either.  But I think I'll pass on that idea, zip lines seem like something that would backfire on me somehow.  I don't trust it.  There was a woman not too long ago here who did a zip line, but it BROKE and she fell hundreds of feet, managed to survive, but the creek in which she landed with a few broken bones actually had the FLESH EATING VIRUS in it, and now she's lost 3 of her limbs.  Very gruesome.  I'll just watch from the ground, thanks.

Well, I don't know what I'll be doing today, but if you're bored and doing nothing, come on over and we'll go find some trouble somewhere.

Bye for now, Stevie baby.  Love you lots...xoxox


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