Hi Steve,
Sorry I haven't been writing as often this past week or two. I am scrambling to get at least 20-25 mini hats made and shipped to my friend Dottie so that she can sell them at the next event for me. At first I thought maybe I would go to the event, and sit with her to sell them. But, there is a schedule conflict so I'm not going to be there.
I just picked up my colorful hats today from the post office. The company they come from is in China, so it took 2 weeks to get "expedited" shipping. Now that I have them, however, I'm finding it rather difficult to figure out how to decorate them. I'm so used to just using black hats! I've got several half-done, but I'm stumped as to how to finish them at the moment.
Anyway, we had a party Saturday night so all of last week was chaos trying to get everything ready. We had 50 people here, so we had tents set up in the backyard, chairs, tables, I made a fire pit area for people to sit around after the sun went down, had to get the porch area cleared off and re-positioned, stuff like that. And Pete, being in his wisdom about such things, decided to hire 3 twenty-something's (who are all absolutely USELESS by the way), come and move everything from our garage into the upstairs of our barn. He also had them move everything from the first floor of the barn to the upstairs.
These little heathens were NOT happy about it, so of course they did everything half-assed. Then, they try to charge me more, claim that they would have to charge extra for moving a cement top to a bench, tell me that they "won't have time" to clear out the other garage, and on top of all THAT, then they claimed that they only accepted cash as payment, when Pete had already told me that I could pay with our debit card. Turns out, they HAD a credit card thing for their iPhone, in the trunk of their car. Gee what do ya know. Little worthless brat-boys. They were bamboozling me, because Pete wasn't there. Trying to get away with shit, as if I'm a stupid chick or something. If I were a Domme, I would have given them all some CBT as punishment.
Ah well, so everything got finished, the place looked great, and the party was well received by everyone. We got rave reviews afterwards, so of course Pete says, "Sure, we'll do it again in August!" GROAN. The man needs to stop volunteering our house for this stuff. It's making me crazy. I told him we would be hiring a maid service, and caterers next time. I'm NOT going to keep stressing out every time we have a party. It's just too much.
Tomorrow is our 3rd anniversary....sort of. I mean, we had our "wedding" party on July 18th, but we actually got married at a justice of the peace on December 24th. So, whichever one seems more "legal" or "real," is okay by me. We just kinda celebrate both each year. Pete, unfortunately, has the crunch time at his job right now, so I don't get to see him very much. He works 12-15 hour days, and weekends too. It happens at least once every year though, so I'm used to it.
Friday I'm off to Rogers Ohio, to a huge flea market and farmers market that they have every Friday, with my friend Julie. I am not sure if my mom will come along or not, but it should be a fun day.
So that's the scoop right now. I've got 8 hats completely done, and about 4 more that are mostly done, so I'm doing pretty well overall. I just get rather overwhelmed by it, and then my brain stops working and I get frustrated and have to walk away from it for awhile. I don't want them all to look the same, ya know? I want each one to be totally unique.
My friend Kim called me (the chick in VA Beach), and mentioned that there are rumors going around that you might have a new album coming out in October, eh? NIIIIIIIIICCCEEEEEE!!!! Of course, being the cynical skeptic that I am, I told her I would not be holding my breath for it, but I do hope that there is some truth to that rumor this time.
I heard a song that I really love---one that I haven't heard in a long, long time----and it made me think of you. If you were to sing it, to Kellie, to honor her memory, it would be incredibly awesome. The title is "Misty Blue." What an awesome way to memorialize her. Just a thought.
Well, I'm off to bed. Hope you have a good week, and get busy writing more music!!! You are loved!
Bye for now. Hugs to you!! And a big, wet, sloppy KISS too!!! SMOOCH!!!
Ever wanted to talk to your favorite famous person, even if he or she is unavailable/unapproachable in real life, or dead and gone, or just not even possible to have a real conversation with? Who doesn't?! Well, so do I. So, I am going to chit-chat with the Main Man, my favorite singer in the entire world, Steve Perry, on this blog, just for the hell of it!! I'm a writer after all, so that's the kind of thing I like doing. Keeps me outta jail. *WINK*
Mmmm sexy...

The man is a gorgeous sexy BEAST!! I just want to eat him up!!
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