Just let it be known that I am thrilled for Kim and Kathy to have been able to meet him. I consider them great friends, and to be totally honest, I feel really shitty now, because of this. My apologies to them both for the misunderstanding and obvious miscommunication. I don't have much control over how someone interprets my blog, though, it's just unfortunate that it was completely misconstrued into something negative, when in fact, it was MEANT to be a huge POSITIVE!
Please, to those of you who don't know me, or cannot sense the sarcasm of my words, please just ASK ME ABOUT IT FIRST or at least try to remember that I'm just writing silly stuff and trying to be funny sometimes. I do not mean to come across as anything BUT silly. Don't take every word I write as LITERAL. Most of it is FIGURATIVE. For example, I wrote that I felt "snubbed like a smelly leper," because I didn't have a photo op with Steve when I met him twice. But hey, guess what? That was SARCASM. Obviously I am NOT a smelly leper, and I do NOT feel "snubbed" by any means.
Just trying to be funny. Sorry it flopped so horribly. I never said I was a GOOD writer. Apparently i really suck at it.
So every word is now officially deleted, but the photos remain. I hope this goof doesn't affect the friendship I have with Kim and Kathy. I love you guys dearly, and truly did NOT mean any harm.

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