I am back from 2 weeks of fun with my best friend. Laurie came to visit me from Michigan, and despite the unexpected death of my good friend Grace (whom I still ache in my heart for), she came with me to her funeral. She never got to meet Grace, but she felt like she knew her, and she had a dream about her that night too. After the sadness faded a bit, (it's never going to go away), we went all over the place to do all sorts of fun things. I just took her to the airport this morning to go home. Now the house feels super empty. I hate that. And now I can't call Grace and have her stop by to visit anymore either. She was a bright spot in my day, almost every day. I really miss her a lot.
But, we did have a great time. We won some money at the casino, we walked through all the vendors at the flea market in Rogers Ohio, we saw a beautiful church here in Pittsburgh that has Vatican artifacts, we went shopping at thrift stores, spent last weekend in DC, and had fun at a camp ground over this past weekend with a bunch of gay guys! They were cool!

Ahhh, but now we're back from the fun, to a pile of laundry a mile deep, and a house to clean. Bleah.
On August 15th, my surgery for my shoulder is going to happen, and after that, I have at least 8-12 weeks of pain and recovery and physical therapy ahead of me. Ain't life grand. This is gonna suck.
BUT!!! After THAT….hopefully I will be completely healed before November, because I'm going on a CRUISE with my mom, and some friends of ours. We'll be flying to Miami, and taking the ship to St. Martaan. It should be a fun adventure. I just hope I don't get seasick!!
I have never been on a cruise before, and neither has my mom. Pete can't get the time off from work because he is saving it up for next summer when he and I go on a cruise to Alaska. So he suggested that I take my mom, and she was flabbergasted. Just booked the flight and cruise tickets last night!
Anyway, so it will be an interesting couple of months, to say the least.
I have a lot more to write, but at the moment I need to get busy around here. Only 11 more days until I go under the knife…..I don't like that phrase one bit…..but I don't expect it to be too bad. I hope. I have never had a surgery before in my whole life, so I'm a bit scared of it to be honest.

These mustache glasses were the best $5 bucks I've ever spent! We had a blast with these. I was a little tipsy from Chambord and Sprite, (gooooood stuff)….so I told everyone that I was the "official camp pecker checker." A group of gay men dropped their drawers right then and there!! hahahaha One guys said, "So, what are you checking FOR, exactly?" And I twisted my mustache and said, "Just to make sure they are all intact and ready for action!" They laughed. I said, "You sir, you definitely pass." Another guy with leather butt-less chaps on walked past me so I said, "Well isn't THAT more than a mouthful!" Then I did the old man from England cough, "BBBBBBrrrapp" And he instantly became our friend. We all danced and laughed….it was sweet.
I also had a silly voice like, "Belvadere, come HEAH boy…" (Foghorn Leghorn-ish). So I would say things like, "Sir, I challenge you to a DUEL!" and pretend to smack them across the face with a glove. I was cracking jokes all over the place, and everybody later told me I should do stand up comedy. HA!! "I am INSULTED by such a remark, you droll little gnat-of-a-man!" hehehehehe
Yeah, we had a good time with these silly glasses.
Oh, and I will end this post with a super dorky video of Laurie and I driving along, singing to Journey, just for the hell of it…..we are truly GEEKY DORKS, (if you couldnt already figure that out), so keep that in mind as you watch it…….
If this video doesn't work properly, click on this link to view it….
Well, I had better get off the computer and get busy doing stuff. Love you lots and lots…xoxox Have a great week, my sexy troubadour!!
Love, Rebecca
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